Chapter 11

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~Katerina's pov.~(A Month Later)

I was in my mother's wedding dress and see I haven't told anyone, but Anastasia, what my dress looks like. Anastasia was helping me get everything together. "Alright, y'all come on in," my mom and my bride's maid, Lena, ran in.

"Where did you find this dress?" Lena asked.

"It's my dress," my mom said with tears in her eyes.

"Is this what you have been hiding from us?" Lena asked.

"Yes, what do you think momma?"

"I love it, now we have to get going, Hunter is waiting. And also don't forget tonight will be your first night of freedom where you will not have any princess duties." We walked into the hallway where my dad and the groomsmen were waiting. Everyone went silent and my dad walked up to me. "You look beautiful my sweet little girl."

"Now, Nicholas don't you make me cry," my mom said, "Now everyone get in line Johnny, me and you are up front. Everyone else you know your place now get to it."

When people started walking out my dad looked at me, "Are you sure about this?"

"I have never been more sure of anything in my whole life. Just do me a favor daddy, don't let me fall."

"I never have and I never will," we locked arms and walked up to the door. And the music started playing when the doors opened. We walked down the steps into the garden where everyone was. I looked down the aisle and saw him the man that I love. I saw a tear fall from his eye. When I got to him the music ended and the preacher asked who gives this woman. I looked at my dad and he looked like he was about to cry. "Her mother and I do," he gave me one last hug and kissed me on the cheek and set my hand in Hunter's. Hunter pulled me up the last step, we looked at the preacher and we didn't let go of each other's hands. I don't remember what all the preacher said until he got to the vowels. Now we put our own special twist, "Now Katerina repeat after me. I Katerina Elizabeth Luna take you Hunter Louis Williams."

"I Katerina Elizabeth Luna take you Hunter Louis Williams." I spoke.

"To be my heart and soul."

"To be my heart and soul."

"To never give up on you, to support you."

"To never give up on you, to support you."

"To never leave you behind, to never let go of our love."

"To never leave you behind, to never let go of our love."

"To give you all that I am and all that I can."

"To give you all that I am and all that I can." I placed the ring on his finger.

"Now Hunter repeat after me. I Hunter Louis Williams take you Katerina Elizabeth Luna."

"I Katerina, aw dang." he said and everyone started laughing. I put my hand on his cheek as I laughed.

"Okay let's try this again."

"I Hunter Louis Williams take you Katerina Elizabeth Luna."

"Good job. To be my heart and soul."

"To be my heart and soul."

"To never give up on you, to support you."

"To never give up on you, to support you."

"To never leave you behind, to never let go of our love."

"To never leave you behind, to never let go of our love."

"To give you all that I am and all that I can."

"To give you all that I am and all that I can." He place the ring on my hand.

"You may now kiss your bride." He pulled me into to him before I even had a chance to react. I don't know how long we kissed but I didn't care I didn't want it to ever end.

It's been a year since my Grandma died and almost a year since Hunter and I got married. And we are expecting our first child, it's so exciting. Christopher and Carolina already had their two sons they are going to turn one in two months. But our sweet baby isn't going to be born for another three. I hope it's a girl I would love to have a girl. "Katerina," my mom called. She has me eating every two hours. I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen to see fresh apples, watermelon, pineapple, mango and grapes on a plate. "Eat up baby girl, the baby is probably hungry."

"Thank you momma."

"So when is Hunter coming back?"

"He is just cleaning out the lake house, he should be home tomorrow around 1 am."

"Listen I know you aren't happy that your dad and I want you to come home, but you are pregnant now and it's safer here."

"I know it was just nice to be free for once."

"How does he feel about leaving the woods for the city."

"He doesn't like it but he loves me so it will all work out. I just hope that this baby will have a chance to have a little bit of freedom like me."

"Hopefully he or she will get the chance to do that."

"So how is the book hunting going?"

"We still haven't been able to find it for all we know it could have already happened."

I grabbed my stomach, "I don't know what will happen, I just hope this baby will be safe. I mean mom what if the packs and everyone goes against us?"

"He or she will have both of us, your father, Hunter, Anastasia, Clarie and Mark. If anyone or anything tries to hurt that baby they will have to fight us seven and my brother's pack."

"What about all the circles?"

"They can always turn against us, but we must hope for the best."

"Momma is it still too soon to talk about Lilly?"

"What do you want to know?"

"One journal that I found speaks about how Lily was getting feelings about something coming."

"Yes what about it?"

"I feel like I'm going to lose Hunter."

"You know he would have to die before he would give up on you." I looked at her, "What feelings are you having?"

"I have been having dreams where there is fire and I am running from it and Hunter is running to it. As I'm running I hit the forest floor screaming in pain, I felt like I was about to die."

"Baby I'm so sorry have you talked to Anastasia about it?"

"Yes, she said we can only hope for the best."

"Because that's all we can do, now after you finish your snack, and I want you to go ahead and go to bed I know you are going to want to be up when he gets here."

"Alright thank you momma." I finished my fruit then headed upstairs. I soon fell asleep.

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