Chapter 4

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"Do you miss me?" he asked with a smile on his face. "How about you father and brother?"

"I only have one son," Johnny said.

"No, you can't say that you banished me not disowned. So technically I'm still your kid." He snapped.

"No," Car said, "We don't have liars in our family. And you can't be my brother cause my brother was a fat nerd."

"I finally got my wolf and became this," he said jesturing to himself.

"You're still a liar," Car said calmly.

"No I'm not, why don't you ask your girlfriend if I am?" Everyone looked at Anastasia. She put her head down, "Or better yet, Katerina."

"Kat," Chris asked looking at me like he was about to cry. I looked at the floor, I didn't want to look into anyone's eyes and see the shame.

"You see I'm not a liar," he said and turned and started heading for the door.

"Why did you even come," I asked, he stopped. "Was it just to expose us?"

"You know I would never hurt you. But seeing how quickly you replaced me with someone who you wanted. It hurt, it hurt like hell. And don't act like you're the victim." With that he left and his people started to leave as well. The only one to stay was Leo.

Leo looked at us, "I'm very sorry that he ruined you party miss," with that he left. I looked at my dad and he looked ashamed of me. I decided to go to my room so I just left without saying another word. It was so painful, I couldn't believe he did that to me. I know I desirve that and so much more. When I got to my room I just sat on my bed and started crying. I was evil and cruel for ever rejecting him. I don't deserve to have any of the things that I do. I don't deserve to have a family who loves me. I took off my dress, and put on some blue skinny jeans and a lorimer bandana strappy-back cami. I grabbed my black knee high boots and leather jacket and jumped out the window. I started running for the woods. Now that everyone hates me then no one will care if I'm gone. I can finally be free.

~Hunter pov.~

We were back home and I couldn't be happier. It killed me that I had to be mean to the one person who I still love, but you know what screw it. I went straight to my house and slammed the door close I'm pretty sure it's broke now. I went straight for the kitchen I was hungry and pissed. I grabbed the leftover ribs out of the fridge and threw them in the oven. I heard a knock at the door and it fell down. It was Leo, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked when he came in.

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting on the stool across from me. I looked around my house it might as well be an apartment. It was small and comfortable. One bedroom and one bathroom.

"I really don't know, I mean I was happy to see her, but I didn't want to hurt her." by then the oven went off telling me that they my ribs were all done. I took them out and left them on the pan and put them on the counter between me and Leo. I pointed at them and he shook his head and I started eating. Since I got in shape I have been watching what I eat but hey I'm a guy I love food.

"I know but still. How did you feel when you saw her?"

"She looks so amazing, even more beautiful then the last time I saw her. I fell in love with her all over again."

"I know how you feel. Every time I see Elizabeth I always fall back in love with her."

"I need her, Leo, it's killing me. And then hurting her like I did made it worse. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and beg for forgiveness."

"How did you feel when you found out about the Future Alpha Christopher from the Free Plain pack," he asked being dramatic when he was saying Christopher's title.

"I wanted to knock his teeth out of his mouth and shove them down his throat. I hate him because he took my place in my loves heart. I want to kill him and hurt him."


"But I can't turn into my father." we both smiled.

"You are a good man, now I am going to go put my kids to bed and then going to massage my wife's back and hope I can sleep till 7 tomorrow." I laughed at him.

"Kiss the kids goodnight for me," I called after him. After he left I finished my ribs and went to bed.

The next morning I was awaken by a blood curdling scream. I jumped up not caring that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I ran out and saw the King's men pulling people out of their houses and searching them. I picked up Wilson he was Danny's son, the only thing was I didn't know where Danny was. I started looking around and saw my dad. I gave Wilson to Jenivine while I talked to my pathetic excuse of a father. I walked up to him, "What is the meaning of this?" I snarled.

"The King's orders."

"You are a cruel man we didn't do anything." I heard another scream. It was Elizabeth, I turned and took off running to her she was holding Leo's head in her lap. I ran up to them, "Leo, you okay?"

"Find her and love her, and protect my family. I love you, you are my brother," while he was talking I saw that they shot him. "Hunter no revenge."

"You're not going anywhere."

"It's silver," he croaked. I saw his eyes slowly closing. I wanted to cry but I was so mad that all I saw was red. Elizabeth screamed crying her eyes out I saw their kids standing behind Jenivine crying. I got up and I didn't care anymore all I wanted to do was defend my people. I looked at my father, "He got in the way," he shrugged.

"Enjoy this," I started hitting him I felt myself loosing control. But I didn't care, I wanted to kill him. I threw him and he changed into his brown wolf with some gray. So to make the playing field even I changed too. I was bigger then him and I have a black as night coat. I charged him I kept going and going not caring, all I wanted was his blood.

"Enough," I couldn't help but obey, I knew it was my King. "Shift," he snarled. I did as told and someone brought me basket ball shorts I put them on and looking at my father all tore up. "Hunter, what is going on?" he asked me.

"He killed one of my men and I'm sure injured many more. What is the meaning of this?"

"Katerina is missing," he said and my heart dropped.


"We thought she might be here, and I told him to ask and if you wouldn't mind letting us look around. I guess he abused the power that I gave him."

"When did she go missing?"

"We don't know she left the party and when we checked on her around midnight. Will you help us find her?"

I looked at my people then looked back at him, "I'm sorry but I can't." I turned and started picking up important things to my people.

"She is your mate," he yelled at me.

"And this is my family, they were there for me when no one else was. They are all I have."

"You have her and us."

"No, she doesn't want me and if she did then she would have found me. She had two years, but she replaced me. I know I have to protect her but I have to protect my family first."

"So you choose them over my daughter, your Princess and mate?" he growled.

"I hope you can forgive me," I finished picking this stuff up and picked up some children while the women and some of the men did as well. We all start walking into the woods hopefully we can find somewhere safe to sleep tonight.

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