The start of a grand scheme

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It's midnight, it wouldn't be wrong to assume the whole kingdom is asleep. So why am I sneaking off to Sofia's residence? I want to be with her, of course, and at a time I'm certain Jayce wouldn't be with her so this was my best bet. Although, wouldn't I just be annoying Sofia?

All these thoughts kept rushing through my head but it's too late, in my hooded cloak I already climbed up to her balcony in the 2nd floor which led directly to her room.

Just as I was about to check if her door was open, it flung open, "Claire?" Sofia was holding a small knife in her hand when she opened the door.

"God, why are you up right now? And with a knife?" I ask, taking off my cloak as I step into her room.

"I was writing a letter for you, until I heard sounds of a person on my balcony and took a knife for self defense as I opened the door. Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I missed seeing you." I cringed so hard after realizing what I said. Then I realized, Sofia said she was up writing a letter for me and my heart gave a flutter.

She was blushing a bright red, I noticed despite the fact the room was lit only with a few candles, "You're so embarrassing, no need to say things likes that! Also, you could have informed me if you were going to come here, and you certainly didn't have to at midnight. Do you know how many-" I cut her off before she could lecture me further.

"I thought you'd turn me down, or Jayce would be around if I visited. I asked you to come to the castle multiple times but you're too caught up with the engagement. I wondered where you found the time to write the letters, turns out you do it at midnight."

"Oh, I am so sorry, you know I'd choose to spend time with you over anything, but I've been so busy. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"There's no need to worry about that, just let me stay here tonight, that's enough for me. So, am I allowed inside?"

Sofia looked as if she took a moment to process it but once she snapped back into reality she grabbed me by the arm and shoved me on to the bed "What was that for?" I ask laughing, I notice she still has hold of my arm so I pull her down with me.


She's laying on top of me. We're only inches apart I wasn't prepared for this, I should've expected it, but now it feels different. We've been way closer before, but due to being apart for some time, my heart's beating so fast. 

Barely a second passes yet all these thought go rushing in my mind until I get interrupted by Sofia "That's for coming over at midnight and expecting princess treatment." 

"I am the princess- That doesn't make sense-" We're still so close but I try to keep my composure. 

"Wrong, to me you're my best friend, not the princess." She casually rolls over next to me. Of course she doesn't pay much attention to it.

"So, who else were you writing to?" I ask. staring up at her ceiling.

"Just you, I don't write to others." She nonchalantly announces.

"It's midnight." I say, my gaze shifting from the ceiling to her as I lay my head properly on the bed.

"I didn't know what to write, and I have to make it special." She's staring back at me, and all I can think of is how I want to kiss her. I tell myself that I will, that she'll love me back. Whether these thoughts were delusions or words of encouragement for myself, the line blurred. Scared she'll hear my heart beat I sit up. "What happened?"

"You don't have to put so much thought in those letters, just keep me around more often, nothing can beat the time I spend with you." I say all of this trying to give her the hint of how I feel, knowing that in reality this type of speech is normal between us.

"You know I try to, well then, from now on sneak in after the sun sets. We can do more together, and not be deprived of sleep." She says in a tone she uses to scold me.

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't thinking when I came." I admit.

"I know you weren't." She lets out a deep sigh. "Well, if you don't got anything you want to do in particular, let's sleep, shall we?"

I borrowed one of her nightgowns and we were to fall asleep next to each other, like many other nights. Then I realized, everything I did this night was most likely normalized by Sofia. She wouldn't notice the fact I was trying to show her I loved her, that I wanted to hold her hands, embrace her, kiss her hands, that I was envious of Jace and would rather have her hand in marriage. I wanted to show her subtly, I just didn't know how. 

Maybe, I should start doing what I want? She'll surely know, but what if she hates me? Maybe, I should just talk to her about it. I'll keep her closer to me, compliment her more often, if all of that doesn't work after a month, I'm downright telling her. 

So, can I call her mine?

Can I Call Her Mine?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant