Wilbur cleared his throat, ending the comfortable silence and now making it weird. 

"Well.. it seems that you two know each other!" Wilbur said passive aggressively, as it flew over the duo's head. 

Techno faced Wilbur with a single arm around {Name}'s shoulder, with her arms still wrapped around him like a baby animal.

 "Limbo and I go way back! I met her when I was Tommy's age. The first ever person I considered family! Other than Phil, you know your fathers a fantastic man." 

Techno told Wilbur as he dead panned at the piglin, {Name}'s head shooting up at the mention of phil. 

Her face sparkled, a smile spread over it. 

"Agreed! I love both of your parents, will! Momza's cooking is to DIE for!" 

She told him as Wilbur just side eyed her, still taking in the fact that she knew both of his parents on a good basis.


Wilbur set the Quiche onto the table, plates forks and knives all laid out properly. As well as a cup or orange juice for everybody. 

"Here we go! Green peppers, onions, and a ham Quiche with a pie-like crust!" Wilbur declared, cutting the first slice and giving it to [name}. 

She looked at it gasped, doing a double take on the food then 

Wilbur. "Dude this is my favorite! How'd you know??" 

(If it isnt your favorite.. it is now! Congrats i cured your allergies and disliking towards all those foods! Yippee!!)

She asked as Wilbur blushed, shooing her off as the compliment got to his head. 

"Oh, this is your favorite? I had no clue, it's my favorite as well!" 

Wilbur purred, pushing her plate closer to her as a sign to dig in while leaning on a chair to get closer to her. 

Wilbur was telling a bit of a fib though, in all reality it wasn't his favorite, and he knew it was hers. 

How you may ask? 

A lot, of watching. And after eating her cooking so many times he figured out how she perfectly liked her eggs cooked.

 His mother didn't teach him nothing about cooking!

 He could be her perfect little house husband, doing every little thing she ever needed. 

Techno looked at the food disgusted, not really enjoying the things in it.

 "Uh, next time Wilbur could you not add ham? I don't really wanna eat pig.." His voice trailed off at the end, trying not to gag at the thought. 

Wilbur glared at him from across the table, rolling his eyes at the piglins request. 

"Pick it out then." He told him as techno just looked at the plate, frozen in time. 

{Name} looked sympathetically at techno, scarfing down her piece of food as fast as possible and standing up abruptly.

 She placed her plate and silverware in the sink and dug around in the cupboard, finding a pan and a spatula. She walked over to the oven, turning on the stove top and placing the pan down. Grabbing a bit of butter, she spread it across the pan as it melted lightly.

 She whisked up smoke eggs, pouring them in and moving them around from time to time. Turning off the heat, and placing the now perfect scrambled eggs on a new plate, she salted it and added a bit of pepper to it before walking over to the table and replacing his meal with a new one.

 He looked up at her in thanks, as she nodded in return, with Wilbur pouting like an angry child.

 Tommy just held back a laugh, covering his food filled mouth as a way to try not to spread his germs all over people.

 "I bet this tastes like shit." Techno jokes, mushing around the eggs as {Name} pointed her fork at him, cheeks filled with the delicious food Techno didn't eat. 

"Watch your mouth!" 

"If you won't eat it I will!" Wilbur happily butted in, smiling and holding his hands out waiting for the plate. 

Techno scooched his chair away from Wilbur, as well as his plate as he just side eyed wilbur. 

"Yeah no.. I'll keep it." He muttered, digging in as his mouth was filled with flavor. He covered it, shocked that it tasted so well. 

"Does it not taste good-?" 


 Wilbur said again as everyone just looked at him weird this time, techno shaking his head and laughing.

 "No-, no this is bom ass! It's so good~!" He cheered, devouring his plate as {Name} simply smiled. 

Wilbur sighed, wishing Techno cooked instead and he put humans in the Quiche.

 Then Wilbur could complain and {Name} could cook something separately just for him. 

Oh well, he'd probably ask her to spit in it or something weird like that. 

But hey, at least she'll never figure out he'd want that! 


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