Chapter 26

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The night was still young, the day having calmed down as {Name} searched pogtopia.

She quietly walked around the eerie cavers, finding nothing but silence and two sleeping humans passed out deep in their slumbers.

She bit her lip, eyebrows furrowing as she slowly searched for a missing pig man. Turning around each and every corner, peeking her head over and around every object for a glance at the other side.

And yet all her attempts ended up with empty areas with not a trace of him.

She exited pogtopia, walking gently around the forest with open eyes yet a soft aura.

With a gleaming intent that implied only comfort and worry.

The night was cold, but in a fresh way.

Like the first start of a turning season, summer into fall. Unfamiliar, new, crisp, and just on the edge of the first frost. It felt good in her lungs, it felt calming to her overheated and overused brain.

Like a cold towel after a long run.

She slowly reached a river, seeing the familiar sight of pink hair slowly swaying back and forth as a sweet hum filled the space.

It was deep, and a bit growly, but a familiar comforting tune.

She smiled to herself, being able to recognize it from anywhere she went.

It was Technos.

His feet were dipped into the water, as they swayed back and forth in the clear liquid with pebbles tickling the bottom. His socks and boots were thrown far away, laying in the grass sideways.

The crickets chirped around them almost in tune with Techo's charming voice, in harmony with the song.

{Name} slowly started humming as well, walking up to him and sitting next to his side. She was sitting like a Z, with her gently leaning on techno as she hummed along with him.

He stopped for a moment, smiling at the familiar form and tune that always blessed his ears.

"I knew you'd find me," He told her as she laughed, shrugging her shoulders.

"What can I say? You've always been easy for me to find," She admitted honestly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the night time.

The night had always been more comforting to her than day time, like a curtain finally falling over the world to finally bless it with a break from the sun.

It reminded her of her mother. Helpful, but by the end of the day you were ready for a break. If you had none you'd burn to a crisp.

Or never sleep.

Neither were fun.

The night was always soft, quiet, understanding, it was just... better.

"What's up? I can tell your feeling off right now," He asked her, looking over at her tired face.

Tears welled up in her eyes, biting her lip in a feeble attempt to push the pathetic balls of water back.

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