Chapter 19

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Watching from a bush, {Name} watched in horror as her past teammates tore down the walls.

As Niki tried not to cry, and fundy had a stoic look on his face.

As the walls crumbled down, the memories did as well.

The first out look onto l'manberg with Fundy, that night with dream, every single time she ever sat on those looming walls now falling down to the ground like they never even happened.

She shivered, quietly sneaking into the walls when no one was looking.
She walked behind buildings, hiding in bushes as she slowly made her way over to her home.

Running to the backdoor, she quickly opened the door and slammed it behind her.

She was home!

Now no one could tell her what to do. She fucking built this place, she could call it her own land.


How subtle.

She was rushing up her stairs, slamming her door open and taking in the space around her.

She sighed whimsically, dropping down onto her bed with a soft impact and looking up to her ceiling.

She wished she didnt have to leave, and that she could just, breath!

Maybe she should talk to Schlatt about her proposition today, she was here anyways so why not!

Though Wilbur might be upset she never mentioned it to him, and that wouldn't go over well..

Ah, fuck it, he can get over it.

She got back up, walking over to her wardrobe and grabbing the needed clothes.

Stuffing her undergarments, gray dress, and other smaller things in it, she went to grab her white t shirt and lovely taco pants only to be met with her pants.

And after francically looking for the needed shirt, she realized some ram mustve stolen it.

In a strange way of asking her to come find him? Or in an attempt to hang on to any ouce of things that were left, she wasn't sure.

But god damn it she wanted that god for saken t shirt back.

Zipping her backpack closed, and shutting the wardrob's doors, she descended the staircase now with a new plan in mind.

To get her fucking t shirt back.


Wobbling into his office, the alcoholic man gasped when he saw the girl sitting on his desk.

With one leg crossed over the other, she held her missing t shirt in hand while glaring at the guilty man.

The moonlight showed beautifully behind her body, the large circular window casting a shadow over her.

A full moon was able to be seen from the outlook from the window, large enough to make any wolf crazy.

He limped up to her, resting his hand on the desk for support and to try and get a closer look at her.

"{Name}- is this really you?!" The drunk asked as {Name} sighed, putting her hand up to her temples.

She pitied the man in front of her eyes. Sad, pathetic, and relying on alcohol to keep him sane.

"Yeah it is. Are you really drunk?" She asked, hopping off the desk and walking up to him. She put her hand on his cheek, as he leaned into her soft touch looking down at the lovely girl.

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