Chapter 29

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Dream breathed heavily, watching {Name} as she slept.

This wasn't fucked up, right?


He sighed dreamily, taking in all that was her beautiful sleeping form. The way her wings wrapped around her frame, the way her hair just gently fell over her face. Her covers just gently hid her mouth, holding them close like a teddy bear.

Her chest rose and fell, rose and fell... so quietly.

It was like watching his favorite show, like being truly entranced with the story. Except the story was his cryptid, unrealistic fantasies, and she was simply background noise.

A twisted, almost pleasured smile formed on his dry lips, making his tongue run over them to ease the dry area.

He gulped back drool that was pooling up in his mouth, his palms getting sweaty and his vision blurry.

His mind was rampant, running like a turbine with a strong gust of wind.

What would it feel like to grasp her waist, dig his fingernails into the soft, pudgy side?

What would it feel like to have her warm, damp breath against his ear?

Her hands stroking the side of his face?

What would it feel like to kiss her to the point of satisfaction?

To have his lips trailing down her neck, marks left as he went.

Deserved marks.

Like a reward for himself.

Would she look better in warm or cool lighting?

Oh god...

her sweat mixing with his from the closeness of their bodies..

Every gulp he took bobbed his Adams apple, his eyes half lidded.

Outside her room in pogtopia was cold, his breath coming out as fog every ragged exhale.

Inside looked so... warm to dream.

With her..

And her...

and she's in there- isn't she?

He rubbed his hands together, his body surprisingly not cold even out in 39 degree weather even without a jacket.

His body was... hot, actually.

Really hot.

God unbearably hot.

And the only cooling method in sight was right in front of him beyond this window.

He was almost desperate to claw it open, to sink his fangs into her pure, fresh skin.

Mark her.

Was that weird?

Probably not...

hopefully not...

once in a blue moon it was normal!

He jumped at the feeling of a tap on his back, turning around quickly to be met with the face of an annoyed brunette.

"Dude... un-cool! I told you this was my spot! Leave!" Wilbur glared at dream as the green blob composed himself, leaning against the building wall in an attempt to look casual.

"No :3"

He replied, as Wilbur groaned in annoyance.

"Why?! How long have you been here, a good two hours?!" Wilbur asked Dream as he let out a puff of air, pretending to ponder the amount of time.

"Uhhhh... four hours?"

"OI GET OUT THEN!!" Wilbur bounced up and down uncomfortably, like an impatient child.

"Oh come on! You're here EVERY night!" Dream groaned, Wilburs eyes squinting.

"Okay?! Get out! Go and build a house you fucker!"

"Do NOT insult my homing situation!"

Dream protested, as Wilbur stared at him with a monotone expression. "Go. away."

"No!!!" Dream stomped on the ground as Wilbur huffed, glaring at dream.

"Fine! But I'm gonna be here too then!" Wilbur compromised, as dream shrugged.

"Fine with me!"

The two men, now awkwardly looking at the girl, both of their heads just focused on the window. It was silent between them, the air thick with desire.

It was odd, feeling the want of a man to a woman you wanted just the same.

It was uncomfortable.

Really uncomfortable.

"-never mind I hate this." They say in unison, cringing at the uncomfortable feeling.


Dream bit his lip in thought, his eyes almost naturally trailing back to her form. Something had been on his mind the entire night, something slowly crawling into his consciousness.

"Wilbur?" He asked, as the brunette looked over to his side.

"What?" Wilbur replied, still a bit pissy about the situation.

" know that weird book that started with a T you found? It wasn't anything interesting, just like a thick one with complex words on it."

Wilbur thought for a moment, looking down at the damp grass as he tapped his finger against his leg in thought.

"The religious pamphlet of god? The one I found in the fucking mud?"

He asked, the words having no meaning behind them to him at that point.

Dream's brain processed his words, as he nodded his head.

"Yeah... that one. Bring it here. Right here." Dream pointed at a point in the grass, tearing up the ground with the heel of his boot to create a muddy circle.


There they both sat, looking at the worn leather cover of the large book as it sat there in the muddy circle.

Their stares were curious, dream's almost being empty as he gently pressed his hands together.

His breath was slow and steady, as he closed his eyes and soaked in the moment.

Wilbur stared at him, copying his motion to see if it would do anything.

"What are we doing..?" He asks opening one eye and side eyeing dream.

"...Praying. Like it says in the book." He says firmly, no sense of humor in his tone.

And as the two boys closed their eyes, the once heroic tale of a man ruling the whole SMP in the book shifted.

The old, inked words hidden by a leather cover turned themselves into new ones.

It changed its own promised stories.

And a voice spoke.

In both of the boys' heads, loud, promising, almost holy whispers. Words about loving a girl.

Words about faith, and alluring stories.

But one word stuck out to them.


How the seeming 'god' they were praying to spoke to them.

Not anyone else, to them and them only.

Like a personal conversation.

And as both of the boys smirked like a greedy king, and words filled their heads, the demon who lived in a place too far down for them to comprehend smirked as well.

Like a greedy, selfish king.

And the book he created morphed itself as they spoke to him.

Like the snake in the garden of Eden.

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