My dad kisses me on the cheek before pulling Ace into a hug. Then he takes a seat next to my mom and the ceremony finally starts.

I take Sterling's hands into mine and give him a reassuring squeeze.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now," he whispers so only I can hear him.

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well."

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family. We are gathered here today to join Ace Reign Sterling and Mia Grace Thompson," my uncle says.

"Although I haven't known these two for a while what I do know is that they are right for each other. The way he looks at her and she looks at him is a form of love that is very special."

My uncle continues speaking but I can't focus on anything except Ace. Before I knew it, it was finally time for the vows and Ace offered to go first.

He takes out a piece of crumpled notebook paper and starts reading it, "Mia my whole life I longed for it: Love. I wanted someone to love me back because I never experienced that love. I also never thought I would be able to love again. That was until I met you. I always told you that you were different and never told you why, but today's that day. The reason why you are different is because of how you perceive the world and everyone around it. You take care of everyone with love and compassion. The moment I found out you lived next door to me was the moment I knew that I had a chance at finding my person and I did. I found an undeniable love in this 17-year-old girl. Opening up to her and talking to her about the many challenges I faced made life worth living. You made life worth living Mia. Everyday day I am so freaking grateful that I met you." He stops for a second wiping a tear from his cheek. "I am so happy you never gave up on me or us. I love you with every bone in my body and can't wait to see what life holds for us."

A/N: 17/18 meaning when they met

He stops speaking and we sit in silence for a minute, before I start my speech.

"I don't know if I will be able to top that but I can try." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I never believed that this day would come. The day that I would be marrying the love of my life. I still remember when we first met. I still remember the first conversation we had and I am glad you didn't keep smoking that joint." I get a chuckle from the audience and continue to read. "I always dreamed of this moment but never imagined it would happen. Ace, you gave me a life of adventure. From sneaking out with you, going to parties, and going to a whole new country with you, I cherished every moment of it. I have always told myself that kindness always comes back to you. In this universe, I found kindness in an 18-year-old boy. He was there for me when I needed him and always treated me like a princess. Everyday, with him was a moment of happiness, enjoyment, and excitement. When I was sad, he was there. When I wasn't feeling well, he was there. I am so lucky that I got to marry my best friend and the boy who lived next door to me. I love you with all my heart and that is one thing that will never change."

An applause erupts throughout the venue and many people cheer as we share our first kiss officially being Husband and Wife.

Later on during the reception me and Ace mingled with so many people. Even though it was a small wedding there were still a lot of people.

Right now we were enjoying our food and so were the guests when my uncle decided to say something.

"I have been told by one of the maids of honor that she will be doing a speech and couldn't wait until Mia was done."

"Sorry Mia your a slow eater," Alexis says.

I chuckle at her and she starts her speech.

"Hello, I'm Alexis one of Mia's best friends and maids of honor. It's crazy how time flies, me and Ace have been good friends for almost our whole lives. I have seen him sad, mad, and angry but I never truly saw him happy until Mia came into his life. Throughout our senior year, I have been very lucky to watch the love story unfold. If I could put this story into a category of books it would be a book that everyone reads on Wattpad. Now Mia I want you to always remember that even though Ace is the 'man' of the house you can always have a say. Thank you!"

Me and Ace both look at each other while the guests applause. Alexis is right and he knows it.

It was getting near the end and I was hoping to hear Blake's best man speech but that didn't happen.

"I know everyone here is itching to get out of your seats but hang on for just a second," Ace says.

Ace hands the microphone to Leah, "Hi I'm Leah Ace's younger sister. I know everyone was expecting to get a speech from Blake but too bad. Ace has been my bigger brother for quite some time now. It was very hard not having him in my life for the first couple of years but I am extremely grateful that I have him in my life now. My relationship with Ace started at the same time my relationship with Mia started. They would both fight over who I liked more and it was always gonna be Mia. I am so very happy that I get to have Mia as a big sister. Mia, thank you for coming into Ace's life and thank you for being there for mine."

I get up out of my chair and walk over to hug Leah.

"I'm happy you are in my life too," I whisper.


As people were leaving the venue me and Ace said bye to the guests and thanked them for being with us today.

"Girl if you need anything from us let me know," Gracie says.

"I definitely will," I say.

"You looked so beautiful honey," my mom says.

I pull her into a hug and utter a small thank you.

"Bye Mia I will see you soon," Leah says.

"Bye Leah!"

After everyone left Ace pulled me towards the dance floor and the musicians started playing a soft and light tune in the background.

"Mia," Ace whispers.

"Ace," I whisper back.

"I want to say something but I feel like I have already said enough tonight," he says.

"I know, we both shared a lot, but I'm proud about that," I say.

"Same," he agrees.

"I love you, Ace," I say.

"I'm so in love with you Mia and I'm so happy I get to call you my wife," he says.

"I'm so happy I get to call you my husband Ace," I say.

Thank you guys for the love and support you have given this book. There might be a third epilogue out later next week but don't quote me on that.

Word Count: 1,738

The vision for the wedding

The vision for the wedding

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The Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora