"He got mad because he realized i was the same guy who "took his bench" i guess"Jack says with quotation marks."i knew he looked familiar" Luka says."yeah.ive asked a lot of people today..and none of them saw her" Jack says putting his hands into the sweatpants pockets."im sorry jack"

Jack nods."its ok..im gonna find her" He says.As Jack says  those words he feels another weird feeling inside his tummy.Like he was gonna puke."hey..you alright" Luka asks as he notices Jack expression changing."mhm" Jack says as the feeling slowly fades.It quickly comes back and up his throat.Jack immediately begins puking into the bushes."oh fuck!" Luka jumps."what the hell happened?!"Luka says."i-im fine" Jack says before continuing to puke.He dropped to his knees as he stopped."you dont look fine Jack." Luka says.Jacks breath was shaky and so were his hands."shit...come here" Luka mumbles as he sits next to Jack.Lukas eyes widen as he notices the big purple bruise on the blonde haired boys neck."damn.How hard did he choke you"Luka says.Jack rests his head on Lukas lap.Luke sitting criss cross."shh just relax...its gonna be ok"

Jack nods."come on.Lets go inside" Luka says as he carefully picks Jack up bridal style." Th-thanks yous" Jack mumbles tiredly."thanks yous?" Luka smiles at Jacks vocabulary fuck up."i can walk" Jack says."no you cant" Luka says as they continue walking down the street.Jack tries to push himself out of the tall boys hands.Luka begins slapping Jacks face softly."go to sleep,go to sleep,go to sleep"Luka says making jack giggle."your the worst" Jack laughs."come on sleepy"


They finally made it."may i take the hoodie off"Luka asks as he softly sets jack onto the bed.
"why are you acting so gentle"Jack says as he looks up at up Luka."because I don't wanna hurt you right now"
"Oh so you wanna hurt me later"
"Jack come on.I just wanna help"
"Can i take this one off and put that one on" Jack asks looking at the hoodie Luka was wearing.
"why" Luka grins."please"

Luka takes off his hoodies.Revealing his upper body.Jack sits up.He cant take his eyes away for some reason.Luka walks to go get a shirt for himself.Jack still watching from the bed.He doesn't know why his body is doing this to him.He feels almost the same way when Rose got undressed.Luka comes back."why are you staring" Luka smirks.Jack immediately looks away."i wasn't" He lies."yeah.sure" He says as he gives the hoodie to Jack and began putting on his own tank top. Jack takes the hoodie off and puts on the new one.He was immediately wrapped in Lukas scent.That was the entire reason he wanted it.And Luka actually gave it.He didn't want it in a lovey way but in a like.I like your scent kind of way."can i clean that bruise" Luka asks looking at Jacks neck."no its ok.ill do it" Jack says as he gets up and begins walking to the kitchen."oh my god jack is it so hard to ask for help" Luka says."I'm ok Luka"
"Do you not understand that,that bruise is NOT ok?!" Luka says getting frustrated about the other boys stubbornness.He slams his hands on the counter as they begin arguing.Jack on one side of the counter and Luka on the other."pause.its hot in here" Luka says as he takes his shirt off."Ok were good" He says as they go back to arguing.Jacks eyes wandering down every now and then.
Jacks Pov
How the hell is this dipshit gonna tell me if im ok or not.Its my body.I know how it feels more than anyone."you fucking asshole" I mutter under my breath.Luka looks at me pissed.Shit he heard that.How the hell did he hear that.He walks over to my side of the counter.I slowly back up.My back hitting a wall that i had no clue was there.I grin knowing he wasn't actually gonna do anything because come on now.This is Luka.He comes closer.I look up at him to avoid staring at his 6 pack.He's not even buff enough to have that!I mean he is strong but-never mind

"What the hell did you just call me" He says.I try to snake past him but he pushes my chest back into the wall."you clearly heard me" I say looking seriously at him."and you clearly don't wanna take the risk of saying it again" He says.I was thinking about saying it again.lets be real.He may be taller but im stronger.Right?Right.
"Asshole" I whisper with a grin.

He roughly grabbed my sides and pushed me completely into the wall."get off of me bitch!" I yell as i try to push his chest.He doesn't move.He holds on tighter."knock it off!" i yell as he grab onto my wrist tightly.The anger rises inside of me.I slap him very very very hard."fuck" he winces.i begin to try to pry his hands on.Suddenly this giant decides to pin one of my arms up.i feel a small choke hold on my throat.Shit.
This is the position

Lukas PovI pin Jack to the wall

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Lukas Pov
I pin Jack to the wall.I made sure not to push to hard in his neck.Theres already on bruise there.We dont need two.Then i can see it.The tears."this isnt funny"He says.The tears began building up in his eyes.Pools of them.He tried to tilt his head up to stop them from coming out but i needed to watch this.So i pressed a little tighter on his neck to make him stay put.He was fighting back the tears for as long as he could.His free hand made its way to my bare chest.Trying to push me away.He began breathing heavily.I knew what he was doing.Breathing heavily usually stops tears.But not this time."just admit you were wrong" I say."it doesn't hu-NGH~" I stop him mid sentence and squeeze a little harder then back to normal.That seemed to have triggered it.The tears began gliding down his cheeks.He begins crying softly."why are you crying" I say knowing exactly why he's crying.He doesn't answer."get off of me Luka" He sobs."GET OFF OF ME" He sobs and yells louder.He begins hitting my chest with his free hand.Signaling that he quit.Ok now i can see where i might have overdone it.I slowly remove my hand from his neck.And use it to pin his either hand.Our hands interlocking and me pushing his into the wall to pin them up.He really thought i was about to let him go huh.
"no" He sobs."Please...please im sorry" He sobs. "Ill stop crying" He sobs as he shakes his head."I'm not trying to hurt you cariño" I say softly."I just need you to understand that you are hurt and you need help" I say.He nods as he continues to sob."i-im hurt..please" He sobs.He tries to jerk his arms out of my grip.
"nuh uh" i say."will you let me help you" I ask.
"yes..yes sir" He sobs.I grin lightly at "sir"

My hands slowly leave his."go sit down"I say seriously.I like being mean to him.It makes him submissive.I think its funny.

He sits down on the counter.I won.

                                   Authors POV

Luka grabs the kit from on top of the fridge.
He grabs a cotton ball and adds alcohol to it."this is gonna hurt like a bitch" He says as he presses it to jacks bruise.He groans in pain.He wipes his tears from earlier.He takes off the cotton ball."ok that shouldn't take long to heal" Luka speaks.Jack looks down at Lukas body."luka.." He mumbles."yes" He responds looking at Jack that was looking at Lukas6 pack."my eyes are up here" He says grabbing jacks face and tilting it up.Jack was incredibly flustered."thanks..for forcing me to let you help me" He mumbles."your welcome" Luka smiles.He turns around to put the kit back and grab a bottle of water.He turns around to find the blonde haired boy asleep.Head leaned back on the counter and soft snores coming out of him.I mean it was 3am."ok..come on sleepyhead" Luka laughs and picks Jack up.He slowly brings him to his room.Jack was softly laid down onto the bed.Luka got in in the other side.Both boys going to sleep after a stressful day.

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