The two guards sighed in relief. The first guard went to Namjoon's subordinate and patted his back, "Thank you, Jungkook for butting in."

Jungkook just stared at him and turned around without saying anything to go to his cell. He was not really interested in talking to people. That was the thing that helped him to stay alive all these years. But the guard knew that he was just as dangerous as Kim Namjoon.


As Namjoon reached the door of the meeting room, the chief stopped. He turned to Namjoon, "Hands."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "You know, I don't like being handcuffed." He leaned closer to the chief, "You were there when they tried to handcuff me last time."

The chief shivered a little but then he stared right into Namjoon's eyes, "I know. But the person who is on the other side is really important and I can't let you go there without the handcuffs."

Namjoon sighed as if bored and raised his wrists. The chief handcuffed his hands. Namjoon hummed in curiosity. The handcuffs were of premium quality. There was no chain in between the handcuffs and his wrists were stuck to each other. No matter how hard he tugged, they didn't budge. They were a little tighter than the previous cuffs as well. The guest must be really important.

When the cuffs were on, the chief opened the door and the usual meeting room was turned into a fucking corporate-like zone. There was a huge chair in the middle and the man sitting on it was someone that Namjoon would have lunged on as soon as he saw him a few years ago. Five to be precise. Namjoon sighed. Now he understood why the chief was jittery. He stared at the man as the chief and his guards bowed to him.

The emperor of the land.

The royal majesty who had sentenced Namjoon and his men to death. Though he changed it to a life sentence, Namjoon was not exactly happy with that. The emperor sat on the throne with one leg on the other, slightly sprawled on the chair. He was wearing a black suit with a white T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. The last time Namjoon saw him, he was wearing a crown but right now there was no crown and his hair was down as opposed to the regular styled hair. Namjoon sat on the chair that was right in front of the king.

The chief glared a little at Namjoon and then looked at the king, "I am sorry for the prisoner's indecency, your royal majesty. He doesn't know enough about the kingdom's rules." He looked at Namjoon, "Bow to him!"

Namjoon just stared at the king, making the emperor chuckle, "I like him." He said as he looked at the man beside him. The man, probably his secretary, had cat-like eyes and was shorter in height. His hair was long and styled professionally. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie and had a tablet in his hand. The emperor sat straight as he stared back at Namjoon. "Kim Namjoon. Went missing when you were ten and then resurfaced after fifteen years. All changed and tough and everything."

Namjoon looked really uninterested. The emperor looked at the secretary and the secretary walked to Namjoon and gave him the tablet. Namjoon looked at the tablet and then at the king, "Really? A photo of a woman who calls herself my mother? I thought you were better than Kim Seokjin-shi."

There were several clicks of the guns being put out of the safety lock. Namjoon looked around and found five guns pointed at him. Seokjin raised his hand and everyone relaxed. "Well, she is your mother. She is in the hospital."

Namjoon chuckled, "You see this scar?" He pointed at the scar on his forehead with one hand but the other automatically went with the first one because of the handcuffs. "This was given to me by my so-called mother. Do you really think I care about her?"

Seokjin shook his head, "You underestimate too much, Kim Namjoon. Swipe left and you'll find something interesting." Namjoon did as he was told and his expression changed. Seokjin smirked, "Kim Taehyung. The sweetheart of the empire. Highest grossing actor in the century. What do you think will happen if people came to know that his brother killed around 25 people..." He looked at the secretary, "Was it 25? Is it more?"

A Desire for the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now