Part 9

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Days turned into weeks,weeks turned into months and it's been a month since they got to the house and since eunwoo and yuqis death.They had thought about leaving the house many times but what were they going to tell eunwoo and yuwis parents? How would they tell the police that their friends mysteriously died?

They said that until they find a proper plan as to what they were going to do about the situation, that they would stay put.

"Hey guys I've just realized it's been a month since eunwoo and yuqi's death" jungkook

"Yeah it feels so weird without them being here with us" taehyung

"Let's not think about that right now" seugcheol

"Hey, why don't we go back to that other house maybe we can find more clues about how our parents were friends" kai suggested

"Yeah but do we really want to go now it is almost mid night, why don't we go tomorrow?" dahyun

"Oh come on we've basically seen it all we should be used to what ever is happening and we got something to defend us so it's okay" jimin

"Okay let's go" baekhyun

Everyone gathered their stuff and headed outside they walk through the trees and after a while they reach the house. Everyone decided to split this time since they know this house is not haunted.

"Hey baek" jimin

"Yeah" baekhyun

"I found a album" jimin

"What does it say?"

"1979" jimin

"It's the same as the caset" jimin and baekhyun say in union

They open the album and see many pictures of their parents as babies and kids as well. They go through the pictures when a paper fell out from the album jimin picks it up and reads it.

"Dear kyung-hu I am so sorry for misunderstanding you and hyuk we didn't mean to say that to our parents, we miss you guys so much we regret doing and saying everything. If it weren't for us you would still be here. We are the reason you both are dead along with your parents we're so sorry. And my dear best friend  kyung-hu, I love you so much and I will forever love you. Hyuk this is seokmin I'll never forget all the amazing things we did together as kids you were the one I was closest to I the group and I will miss you so much I love you so much hyuk and  kyung-hu. Fly high our littel angel's.

Love: chaewon and seokmin."

Jimin read the letter he had widened his eyes due to shock because the people who wrote the letter were baekhyuns dad and michas mom.

"H-how? Why my mum say and taehyungs dad say did they are the reason for those people's death?!" Baekhyun screams in frustration while pulling he's hair.

"Hey hey look at me , we will get to the bottom of this okay don't worry I'm here with you come here"  jimin

Jimin pulled baekhyun into a hug resuring him that everything will be okay. The two kept digging around the room only to find more and more letters.

"Ah fuck fuck fuck!" Taehyung

"What happened?" Jungkook

"Ugh I hit my foot on the coners off the bed" taehyung

"Oh watch where you're going, it's quite dark" jungkook

"Yeah yeah I know...I wonder who's room this was" taehyung

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