Chapter 02: The Fugative and Her Keeper

Start from the beginning

"No." Dean's demeanour was no longer playful if you could have ever really called it that to begin with. "You know Twilight? Vampires, werewolves, it's all real. Just, less sparkles, more blood... A lot more blood."

Your mouth dropped open and you quickly shut it before Dean noticed.

As you were yet to verbally respond, he continued. "Me and my brother, we hunt them, all of them. Not just Dracula. Demons, ghosts, pretty much everything except Big Foot and Godzilla all exist... And angels too... Those cuts on your skin, the Enochian, some angels and demons still speak it. I know a guy who can probably tell you what it says. Might be your ticket home." Dean finished matter-of-factly.

"You... You're serious?" was all you managed to spit out. Not only was Dean possibly dangerous, but he also clearly needed therapy.

"It's a lot to take in, okay... Believe me, I know. This ain't my first monster talk." A slight grin had returned to his face, his tone a little more relaxed. "Normally I have to give the talk to people after they've actually seen something. So I get it, you're sceptical. But it's the truth... Just give it time. Hanging out with me, whatever's going on with you there, you're bound to see it for yourself sooner or later."

"And what makes you think I want to ' hang out' with you?" your sarcasm returned.

"Right now. You don't have much of a choice." He was quick. Witty almost, and damn irritating. "You're technically a fugitive." He smirked.


The sun was setting as Dean walked back to you waiting in the car out front of the shady-looking motel. You'd been on the road for about two hours now and were relieved to know that you were finally going to be given the chance to get out and stretch your legs.

You had discovered on your journey that the black beast of a car did in fact belong to Dean. It had previously belonged to his father who had started him on his path of what Dean called 'the family business'. He'd also told you briefly about his brother, Sam, who had recently stopped talking to him over 'something stupid'. Man, it was odd to be making friends with a man who was potentially your captor, but small talk was better than awkward silence. Stockholm Syndrome anyone?

Dean had asked you more of what you remembered during your night out in the city. Had you noticed anyone following you? Had you met or talked to anyone new? Had you felt or seen anything unusual? Cold spots? The smell of eggs? His questions were strange but you humoured him anyway.

The car was moved to a parking spot directly in front of the room the two of you were going to be staying in for the night. You walked inside ahead of him as he went to retrieve his belongings from the boot of the car, an army green duffle bag and a first aid kit.

As you didn't feel like sitting down again but were also at a loss of what to do while you waited, you poked around the tiny room. Checking it all out, only there wasn't much to look at. Two beds, a table and chairs, a mini fridge and ageing yellow walls that reminded you of urine. But at least you would be sleeping on a bed tonight. 'With stained sheets and a scratchy blanket.' Surprisingly that was a vast improvement from your cell cot back at the police station.

Dean entered the room and locked the door diligently behind him, making certain to apply the little chain that was supposed to add security. You were starting to believe him, at least in his sincerity that he thought monsters and such actually existed. He was definitely putting on a show for you. But, you were a  firm seeing-is-believing type. So it humoured you slightly to see the grown man acting so cautiously.

He placed the duffle bag on the bed closest to the door and the first aid kit on the small table that sat in front of the only window in the room. He then reached into the back pocket of his suit pants and pulled out a small metal cylinder. He used one hand to take the lid off and revealed a lock pick. "Let's get those cuffs off," Dean said as he motioned for you to come sit down at the table with him.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now