We walked to our friends, who were all covered in the feces of a sweaty old man who had just shat on them. Really he shat on Suki because she asked him to, but he had diarrhea and sharted on all of them. Tharasa went up to them and licked all the diarrhea off of them, then she licked the sweaty old man's butthole and let him release all his wet feces in her mouth. After that, we began to tell our friends about our relationship.

"So you guys, gather around pookie crotch goblins", Tharasa said.

"What is it Thanny-Thongy?", Misnaha asked.

"Me and Katy have something to tell you".

"What is it?", Suki asked as she picked her nose and ate the booger.

"Yea!", Arlit said. "What is it! Pwease twell me! I'm you're lwittle Arlit kitten witten mitten 🥺".

"It's about....", I, Katy Satty said.

"Say it faster pwease!", Saji said while getting his hair pulled. He groaned in excitement. "Ngh~...ahhh...pull my hair harder!", he screamed.

"Me and Katy...", Tharasa said.

"WE'RE A COUPLE!!!!!", we said together.

Everybody's jaws dropped. Even Saji who's mouth was forced shut dropped his jaw.

"YOU GUYS ARE A COUPLE!!!", they all screamed

"YEP!!!", I replied.

They all hugged me and Tharasa. Saji puked on us.

"Have you guys kissed yet?", Suki said. Her eyes wide with excitement.

"Y-Yea...we have!", Tharasa said.

"REALLY??", Arlit said. He was flabbergasted. He looked so happy. He must've been relieved he could finally live without getting harassed by us regarding him and Misnaha dating. Sadly, the harassee became the harraser. This is why we need to encourage humbling your friends by writing a 200 page smut about them that involves bondage, domination, sadism, masochism, hair pulling and incest.

"Yep...", I, Katy Satty said as I sniffed Tharasa's sweaty armpits. She smelled like fish-infused cheese and feces. I also smelled Saji's puke, but I didn't think about it, since Tharasa's natural scent was so wonderful for my nostrils.

"THAT'S SO CUTE!!" Misnaha screeched as she danced while hugging us because of the immense joy she felt due to me, Katy Satty, and my cute girlfriend, Tharasa Seela, being together.

"Yes it is...", Tharasa said while groaning before shoving my face into her armpit.

"How long did you guys kiss?", Saji asked. "And did you do it with the tongue?".

"Seven hours, yep, and we exchanged food that was stuck in our teeth", Tharasa replied with a smile as I licked her armpits and drank her sweat.

"Oh my gosh! That's so cute! Your first kiss must've been so fun!", Arlit said while dancing like an omega with his alpha princess hybrid Misnaha. They were such furry wurry curry burry murray yurry lurry's!

"Our kiss was very fun", I said, after Tharasa had released me from her armpit.

"We did it in the bathroom after me and Katy had came to an understanding about the Nathan situation and reconciled. I punched that stupid, ugly, rat, monkey, dirty, fruitfly pervert in the face after he did that. He started bleeding from the nose, so I stuck my tongue up his nose to drink up all the blood. Once he was done I started to chase Katy. I saw spit on the floor, so I licked it up before chasing after Katy again. I knew the trail of spit and tears would lead me to Katy since they tasted like her. They tasted sooo good!", Tharasa said, groaning due to how good the saliva and tears tasted during her chase. She wished she could ingest more right now, but sadly, she c0uldn't so she cried but Katy spit in her mouth again so she was happy.

"I'm so happy for you guys!", Suki said. "You're such a cute couple!".

"I know right!", Arlit said. "Hey baby-Misnaha-girly, you should draw Katy and Tharasa kissing and send it in our group chat".

"I SHOULD!!", Misnaha said. "She gave Arlit a quick and wet kiss on the cheek as a thank you. "You're the best!".

"No you are", Arlit replied.

"No you are!".

"No you are!!".

"You're both the best!", Angie Blakeson, the nicest kid in school said. Despite being very far away from us, she could hear Misnaha and Arlit being a cute couple and arguing over who's better. Angie Blakeson is so kind that once she fed a kid her feces and gave him her bathwater as drink because he couldn't afford lunch at school. She's such a delight.

"Hey! You know what I should do?", Saji asked. This worried me. He was gonna write something about us.

"Once everybody finds out you two are dating, which should be in a few hours due to how close you two have gotten, and how everybody could see Katy giving Tharasa an armpit-lick-massage-session, I'll write an article in the school paper about you two! Isn't that a good idea. I should also include how you guys became lovers!", Saji said. I was right. That monkey was gonna write about us. It was impossible to stop him though, so I just went with it. Saji is a good guy, so I, Katy Satty, and the rest of my friends, Suki Chana, Arlit Sakoi, Misnaha Ballina and Tharasa Seela will not get mad at him over any stories he writes about us.

"That's a wonderful idea", I said, with a smile. "Write whatever you want". I would regret saying that, but it's okay because I, Katy Satty will not get mad.

"Yea! Write something really good about me and Katy", Tharasa said. My cutie-little bookworm girlfriend is so cute.

Tharasa used her magic witch powers to read my mind and telepathically communicated with me saying "awww thanks babygirl Katy".

"Your welcome babygirl Thany wany pany", I said back to her using my psychic powers.

"Thanks guys!", Saji said. "You're the best".

"Guys, I see Mr. Jenner looking at us", Arlit said. Mr Jenner was a creep who looked at the asses of every kid in school. No matter the gender, the ass was stared at. I did not want him staring at mine.

"Let's leave", Suki suggested.

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