"Hi Katy", Tharasa said while smiling at me. How dare she! HOW DARE SHE MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I gave her a dirty look and instead looked at my other friends.

"Katy", she said. I didn't even glance at her. The dream Tharasa kept saying my name. It was all that I could hear. I began to fade out of my dream and I woke up.

"Katy!", the real Tharasa said. "You woke up! Are you okay!", she asked me. I got up and looked around, and saw a pool of drool under where my head previously was, which was the toilet seat. It felt pretty comfortable.

"What do you want", I said, coldly. It didn't matter to me what happened, seeing Tharasa kissing Nathan hurt, a lot.

"Katy! Please...just let me explain what happened", she said.

"Explain what", I replied. "About how you made out with Nathan in front of the entire class".

"That's not how that went!".

"Oh really? Than how did it go?".

"Nathan kissed me!", she said. "I never consented to anything. He just came up to me and asked me out, and then he grabbed me and kissed me".


"YES! I'd never kiss him when I have you! I mean sure I do stick my tongue into people's asses but that's all! I-I love you K-Katy!".

"I-I....l-love you t-two Tharasa!", I said as tears of joy streamed down my face. I grabbed onto Tharasa's face and my lips latched onto hers. Out tongues wrapped on to eachother, and we had our first french kiss. I pushed my saliva down her mouth, and she did the same for me. Her saliva tasted like Nathan, which made sense, and feces. If I were to specify, it tasted like bird feces. A bird must've shat on her, and so she ate it's feces. This also explains why her hair looked a little white in a certain area.

Who cared though, I love the taste of bird feces. Tharasa likes all kinds of feces as well. Once, this kid really needed to go to the bathroom after eating some spicy thai food but our world history teacher, Mrs. Gillthorpemanigen wouldn't let him go.

Tharasa, being the kind person she is, offered to let him expel his feces from his buttox into her mouth. His feces was long, yellow, and Tharasa loved it. Her mouth was covered in feces, so she licked it off her skin with her long tongue.

She also loves urine. During our class field trip to the museum of dildos, this kid peed in his empty water bottle since he really needed to go. Tharasa got thirsty, so she asked to drink his urine filled water bottle despite knowing what was in it. She's so cool. She drink it up, and then spilled some on her hair and face since she was feeling hot. She smelled so good.

One of our other friends also really like urine. This is Arlit. Though he isn't the biggest fan of human urine, he absolutely adores pig urine. Once we went to a farm and he got a free sample of the pigs dirty urine. He's stopped drinking it for a while though, since he got very addicted and now needs to cleanse it from his body. When he does get the craving for pig urine, he just puts a teensy bit of cow urine in his water to make up for the lack of flavour.

Suki likes urine as well, but only in moderation. She puts a bit of her hamster's urine in her breakfast in the morning, her tea, and her waterbottle. She loves feces though. She puts her owl's fecal pellets in her pancakes everyday as a replacement for chocolate chips which she believes are too unhealthy.

Misnaha likes eating feces sometimes, but not all the time since she feels that it's to bitter for her. Instead she indulges in eating used cat litter. She said that she likes the texture and the slight taste of the cat's fur, sweat and urine,

I, Katy Satty, personally think that eating hair from people's butt's is much better than eating used cat litter since it has additional flavour from feces and sweat that run down there. I just salivate from the mouth thinking about it.

Anyways, back to the kissing. She moved her tongue around my teeth, and felt for anything I'd eaten earlier. She found some of the shit I ate a while ago, and ate it while looking at me with a look that showed how happy she was that I was feeding her the food she loved fourth most. Above that was cow urine popsicles, baked butt skin, and her all time favourite, toast topped with period blood jam.

She also tasted some boiled toenails stuck in my teeth from breakfast this morning, so she pushed them out of my teeth using her tongue and she swallowed them. I could taste some dried foot skin with aged toenail grated on top of it. I ran my tongue through her teeth, and eventually, I managed to get it out of her teeth and then I used my saliva to motion it towards my throat. After a couple seconds, the skin went down my throat. So yummy 🤤....

Tharasa has very good taste in food. This is why I, Katy Satty, love Tharasa Seela so much. I, Katy Satty want to propose to, and marry her. Me and Tharasa made out this way for the entire school day. Some people came in and used the bathroom, but we told them not to flush so we would eat their feces, drink their urine, and then kiss eachother again to taste the flavours. At the end of the day, the bell rang, and me and Tharasa had to stop our 7 hour make out session We started crying, so we licked eachother's tears as a parting gift.

"Hey Tharasa", I, Katy Satty said. "Does this make us girlfriends?".

"I guess it does, Katy. See you tomorrow girlfriend!", Tharasa said before walking away to go home.

"Bye!", I replied, before walking to where my sister usually parked. I got in her car, and she drove us home.

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