Chapter One: History class

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The school bell rang signaling everyone in the building that it was time for the next class to begin. For Violet Antanov, it was english class. Her black hair was braided behind her, and a part of her hair was kept out to hide her face. Her attire consisted of loose clothing in deep shades, her eyes big, keen, and observant. She liked english, not something she was excellent at, but good enough considering it was her second language. 

She slid into her seat next to the window around the back of the classroom, her favorite spot. Students began to pour into the class and the classroom got louder. Mrs. Oaks was a peculiar teacher, well not very peculiar as she did teach english. Wore a cardigan everywhere she went, and a long brown skirt. Favored the boys over the girls mostly, and praised them when they submitted the homework once every 3 months. But there were a few that did appreciate english for its imaginative writing and creative skills, it just wasn't Mrs. Oaks. She was a standard, by-the-book woman who followed the school curriculum.

The one boy she favored the most, was Leonardo Garcia, or simply Leo. Him and his stupid brown hair, hazel eyes, and above-average height. Violet despised him. The young girl believed that she wrote much better work than Leo, but Mrs. Oaks thought differently. Mostly because Leo was more friendly and more confident. And extremely mischievous as well, but no one paid attention to that because he was smart. That's hardly an excuse, according to Violet.

"Students! Please settle down, I have an exciting announcement." The teacher's voice was loud and forthcoming, causing the entire class to quiet down and listen to her. ''If these uncreative cretins knew what exciting meant." She quietly mumbled. 

''In a matter of few weeks, a story competition will be held, whoever writes the best stories, will be grouped into the top ten by our teachers, and then later the students will be able to vote for who will win first prize." 

The students were excited for once. An event like this was fun and could be in the yearbook. 

''What's first prize!'' a student yelled. 

Mrs. Oaks tried to look for who yelled, "It'll be presented at the gym, where the competition will be held. Those that are interested, please sign your name on the soft boards outside, all the rules, genres, time limits, and word limits, will be presented on the poster made by Mrs. Jade's art group from school."

After the announcement, she ignored anything the students asked and continued with her class. 

Time went by much quicker than expected, as now it was Violet's last class of the day. History.

 She didn't have much of an opinion on it but she did like it when it involved God's or mysterious things. She liked her teacher, Mr. Miller, he was a sweet old man whose cousin is Russian, so he mentioned his cousin all the time to Violet, who found it slightly weird but comforting. It felt nice to talk about her culture with him, even though she would correct him a lot, he never seemed to mind and always gave her a kind smile.

''Good afternoon students, it's history project time. I will be grouping you, of course, no moaning or sulking, it'll be fun. Once the groups are made, I will call each group member to pick a piece of paper in my hat. That will decide your topic. I'll just get my paper here."

''Shouldn't he be retired by now? I mean the dude always brags about his rich doctor daughter." Bitterness filled these words to the rim. 

"Cindy! That's no way to speak about him, he's a sweet old man who probably misses the joys of youth.'' Violet whispered rapidly. Cindy, extremely curly hair, trendy fashion sense, and an attitude built to fight because she grew up in a big family. 

''What do I care? And who are you? How do you know my name?" Cindy was a very sassy individual, but she seemed semi-genuine asking these questions. 

''My name is Vi-"

"Wait, don't answer that, don't care."

Violet was hurt but simply raised her eyebrow and ended the conversation there.

''Right well, I found my paper, group one, please students pay attention, group one, Cindy Johnson, Leonardo Garcia, Violet Antanov, and uh, pardon me if this is wrong, Xin Zihan. Please move to the first row."

Leo was in the same history class as Violet? She thought it was only for english and biology, she never saw him in here. 

"Does anyone know where four eyes is? I just want to get this over with." Cindy groaned as she folded her arms and kicked her foot.

"I think he's skipping class, he hates history from what I hear.'' Leo spoke up with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, how wonderful. Why didn't I think of that." 

''Where's Mr. Xin?" the older man asked. 

''In the nurse's office sir, he scrapped his knee during P.E. pretty bad.'' A student answered. 

"I see. Well his group members should visit him later on, for now, just pick a piece of paper from the hat," he pushed his little fedora in front of the three of them, "how about you, Violet?"

"Of course Mr. Miller," she smiled as she randomly chose a piece of paper. Unraveling it she read the contents as the others keenly listened, "the topic is, history of cannibalism? Uh sir, isn't this a bit too graphic for kids our-''

He had already walked away, grouping the rest of the students. All of the kids in the classroom had no other work to do than to speak, but the three of them didn't have anything in common. Thankfully after 15 minutes of awkward smiles and sly glances, the bell rang.

"We should visit Xin, and let him know that we have a project on cannibalism, from history class of all the things." Leo mumbled as Cindy and Violet followed after him toward the nurse's office. 

"So, your name is Violet, I'm sorry about earlier, thought I should apologize since we're working together now." Cindy gave a weak smile to the girl walking beside her.

"It's fine." She nodded and walked ahead, while the other girl frowned slightly.

Leo stopped in front of the office's door, "this is it, come on let's get in." 

Strangely, there was no nurse in the nurse's office, but there was a young boy with glasses just sitting there with a bandaged knee, which didn't look like a job well done. His hair was black, he was tall but skinny and he wore a graphic T-shirt.

Leo was the first to approach him, ''Xin, skipping history? I mean I get that the nurse is hot but we all got a project on cannibalism now, from history class, can you believe it?"

"Dude, the nurse is my aunt. And aren't we too young for a project on something so graphic?"

Violet spoke up, making her way toward Xin, "that's what I said, but Mr. Miller just ignored me. Hi, I'm Violet, and that's Cindy, we're also a part of this, project."

"Yeah I know who you are, we're all in the same history class, it's been only a few weeks since school started. Let's start the project at the library at 5, and get this over with quickly."

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