10. [ men ]

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"what about me?" jessica asked, obviously offended that ethan had not complimented her, "yeah, yeah, looks fine." he shrugged her off, not bothered by the fact he had offered her.

"well, i like this one, makes my boobs look good." jessica grinned, moving her gaze from ethan to the mirror.

"hey." a man's voice was heard from outside, catching the attention of the three girls and ethan. as they turned their heads, they saw a group of grown men knocking on the window 'complimenting' the girls as a few of them whistled.

it was obvious the comments made the girls uncomfortable as it just made ethan feel disgusted by them. "fuck off." ethan stuck his middle finger up at them through the window, showing off his black leather gloves.

"nice gloves, sweetie." one of the men laughed at him, making a kissy face at him causing the rest of the men to laugh. "so men are fucking vile." ethan spoke in disgust as they walked away, turning back at the girls who were visibly uncomfortable by the situation.

"oh, god. that is uncomfortable." angela spoke in discomfort, turning herself away from the window where the men previously were. "bella, what do you think?" jessica grabbed the girl's attention who was busy writing in her notebook.

"that looks great." she commented, her voice sounding nothing but bored. "you said that about the last five dresses though." jessica pointed out with a small, but obvious, fake laugh.

"what's wrong with finding all of them great?" ethan questioned the girl who only shrugged in response. "you're not really into this, are you?" angela questioned, despite the fact that it was quite obvious.

"i actually really just want to go to this bookstore." she spoke honestly with a small shrug, her voice sounding slightly quiet. "meet you guys at the restaurant, unless you wanna come with, ethan?" she directed her attention to the boy who was absolutely thrilled to be finally leaving the place.

"yes," ethan responded almost too quickly making him clear his throat, "yeah, yeah, why not? don't want you to be alone," he commented as he stood up from his spot.

"are you sure?" jessica questioned, but it was mostly directed to bella as she clearly couldn't care less that ethan was leaving. "yeah, yeah, we'll see you in a minute." bella nodded her head, confirming it was all okay.

apparently, that 'minute' turned into an hour as neither of the two were good with directions, leaving them to have gotten lost or gone the wrong way on several occasions.

but, in the end, they finally got there. it was clear bella knew what book she wanted as she found it in only a matter of minutes and they were already on their way out of the bookstore.

bella walked out with her new purchase as ethan followed close behind. the sun had now set and the sky was dark as the two walked side by side. "fuck me, it's a bit chilly." ethan commented as the harsh, crisp cold breeze slapped ethan across the face as they exited.

"you don't say." bella replied, wrapping her jacket closer around her body. "okay, do you know where we're going because i have no fucking clue." ethan said quickly, praying that the girl had at least some idea where they were going.

"what, you don't remember?" bella said, sounding a bit alarmed that the boy didn't remember. "was... i supposed to?" ethan asked, now catching on that the girl had no idea too.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆 , jasper hale .Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang