6. [ doctor cullen ]

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chapter 6

[ doctor cullen ]

beep, beep, beep.

that was the sound ethan jaylin woke up too. as soon as his eyes opened, he instantly closed them, being blinded by the sudden bright light that shone strongly onto his eyes. not only did his eyes flinch back closed; his head did too.

the sudden movement of his head caused him to groan in pain, he went to move his hand up to touch it but was quickly stopped by a sudden force pulling on it. "oh fuck me." ethan groaned, his eyes now opening fully as he noticed a tube connected to himself.

despite being asleep for however long, his body didn't feel anything but pain and tiredness. in fact, it was probably the longest ethan had ever slept as he looked over at the digital clock beside him that read 7:06pm. a whole 4 hours of sleep, that was something new to ethan. it was only an hour more than he usually got but it was sill more than usual.

"ethan owen jaylin?"

a sudden voice caught the boys attention. ethan slowly turned his head to the voice, his eyes now landing on a tall blonde doctor who stood confidently beside him. "uh...hi?" ethan said, his voice cracking from low pitch to high pitch as he squinted his eyes, the light still hurting his eyes.

"hello to you too, ethan." the doctor chuckled, clearly finding amusment from ethan. "so, how does it look, doc? am i free to go? because honestly, i cannot be bothered to be here." ethan told him, holding eye contact with the awfully pale doctor which reminded him of the cullens.

"please, call me carlisle." he told him with a smile. oh, he was one of the cullens. "what is the last thing you remember, ethan?" he questioned.

"uh, well, i was with bella and then a van came over to us and it should've it us but it didn't. i hit my head and i think something happened to my shoulder, that's about it." the jaylin boy explained, recalling the events that happened not to long ago.

"do you know why it didn't hit you?" carlisle asked, the question seemed more out of curiousity than a question that a doctor would ask formally. "should i?" ethan asked, a small chuckle escaping from his mouth as he raised his brows.

carlisle shook his head, dismissing the conversation as he now changed the subject. "you hit your head pretty hard against the ground, you're lucky you only have a concussion from how hard it was. you're right when you say something happened to your shoulder, your left shoulder was dislocated but we managed to pop it back into place. you may feel slight pain for a few days but it will go away, we have also given you a shoulder sling to help it heal fully."

"oh, that's nice." ethan nodded, looking down at his shoulder to now see a black sling attached to his shoulder. "where's my mom and dad?" ethan then questioned, now notcing that the room was lacking their prescence.

"well, let's just say your mom wasn't very calm when she saw you. they're out in the waiting room, your mother doesn't like seeing you in pain." carlilse answered, a small smirk then fell upon ethans face. "yeah, she's always been protective over me."

"hey, you're jaspers foster dad, aren't you?" ethan brought up, he knew the answer was going to be yes but he still asked anyhow.

"that i am, you know jasper?" carlisle questioned, finding it easy to have a covnersation with the younger boy. "oh yeah, we're like bffs or whatever." ethan chuckled causing the older blonde man to do the same.

"how's your leg?" doctor cullen questioned causing confusion to become written on ethans face. "what's wrong with my leg?" the unsure boy asked, not knowing if something had happened to his leg during the accident or not.

"from when you fell over on your skateboard a few weeks ago. i must say, you gave hunter quite the fright." the blonde man chuckled, however, it only made ethan sit up straight in the hospital bed as he looked more confused than before.

"what do you mean?"

"i heard it was bleeding, hunter doesn't deal well with blood." how odd, ethan thought.

"that's not what happened." ethan quickly retaliated back, his confused look now plastering on carlisles. "it's not?" he questioned with his brows raised, curiousity slightly sneaking into his tone.

"my gloves came off and-" he cut himself off, realising if he were to say more he would completley expose himself. carlisle noticed his sudden cut off, the look of confusion now turning to curiousity, "and what, ethan?"

the feeling of coldness covered his hands which was odd as he was wearing his gloves. or at least, he thought he was. his dark eyes trailed all the way down his arm to his hands before realising why they were so cold.

oh. oh.

"where are my gloves?" he questioned, trying his best to not let any panic show on his face or in his tone. "i have them." carlisle answered, despite ethans efforts to show a calm look, the doctor could see right through it. "what's wrong, ethan?"

"i need them." ethan answered quickly, trying his best to get of the hospital bed but his injured head and shoulder made it difficult for him. "take it as there, alright?" carlisle quickly moved over to the boy, placing his hands down on his shoulder gently.

"i have a skin condition." ethan brought up. carlisle looked down at the boy, a look of disbelief on his face. "you do? i've read through your files, ethan. there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your skin, other than it is covered in scars. tell me, how did you manage to get so many."

"guess i'm a very clumbsy boy." ethan harshly snapped. he quickly shot up from his spot on the bed which was probably a bad idea considering he had a brain injury but that didn't stop him from grabbing his gloves from the doctors hands.

"i think i better be going." carlisle frowned slightly, he didn't mean to push ethan so far but he did, and ethan wasn't a big fan of it. ethan managed to slip his gloves with ease over his hands, a sense of relief filling his body as he know knew he wouldn't accidentally be the cause of someones pain.

"and for your information, carlisle, i know that you and you're little family aren't human. and you bet i'm going to find out what you and your family are, because i don't like the truth being hidden from me, i always find a way." ethan told him; it was true.

despite how much ethan hid the truth away from other people, he knew it was for their saftey and maybe that's exactly what the cullens did too. but he already knew so much, so why not dig a little deeper?

alex speaks

i haven't proof-read this so there is probably a few errors
but for the sake of my sanity just ignore them

i also havent updated in like 20 days so yeah ....

don't be a silent reader !
word count : 1217

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