CH 23 | Freezing Meal

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A.N/ Anything in dashes -Like this- is the equivalent of (Those brackets) in other stories. The difference here is that I use brackets for mini ANs, so I use -these dashes in their place-


After changing clothes, I jumped onto the bed, and while waiting for Luminous to transform her clothes, I started to wonder...

'Hm... What manga would Luminous like... Oh! Sword Play Online! I think she would like it!'

《Master... I don't think she would...》


《Master, do you think Luminous-San would enjoy a wish-fulfillment story?》

'... No... Then what do you think she would like?'

《Chaos Through Worlds. She will love how brutal it is.》

'Alright, I will take your word for it. You've never been wrong before, and you've always helped me. Thank you for stopping from missing it up!'

《Hehehehehe~~ You can praise me more, Master~》

'Hai hai.'

After showering Great Sage in her much-deserved praises, I deactivated the thought acceleration that she activated at the start of the conversation.

Luminous, who just sat down on the bed after changing, let her head fall back onto the bed. When I saw that, I sneakily moved my left hand so that her head would fall on it, and when it did, she only slightly smiled and pretended to not notice.

Rimuru: "Luminous, remember the mangas that I told you about before?"

Luminous: "I do. Why are you asking?"

She moved a bit closer to my side. I smiled and moved my left hand so that it was in front of her face, between her neck and chest to be exact. A 'book' appear in my right hand, which I moved next to my left so that the 'book' would be held by both hands while giving Luminous a clear view of it.

Rimuru: "I want to show you one of them. This one is called 'Chaos Through Worlds'. I think you will enjoy it.'

Luminous: "Hmm... I wonder if they are truly as good as you say they are."

Luminous snuggled between me and my left arm for a moment. When she found the most comfortable position, she stared at the manga cover, signaling me to open it.


Rimuru: "So, what do you think of it?"

After a few chapters, and on a cliffhanger, I closed the manga and reabsorbed it into my [Stomach]. (the fancy brackets are annoying to use, so back to those!)

Luminous: "The main character is almost dead with half of his body crushed, I was looking forward to seeing how he would handle that, quite cruel of you to stop it right now."

Rimuru: "Hehehe~ It's already late at night, and this way, you would be excited to read it _with me_ later~ But you still haven't answered my question."

Luminous: "It's very good. I liked how he was utterly unhinged, though I think it will get stale and annoying if it stayed the same."

Rimuru: "If that happened, then I can just give you another manga to read." 'Not like that mess of a story would ever get stale...'

**A.N/I feel that the few paragraphs above are... Cringe. I pondered whether to remove them/replace them with something less cringe, but kept them for the "With me" thing. Do you think I should've removed it?**

Luminous: "I guess so."

Luminous extended her hand to magically turn off the light while closing her eyes. I moved my hands so that they were wrapping around her back, and pushed her closer onto my chest.

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora