CH 22 | Flowery Faliure

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A.N/ The is absolute gibberish but meh.


We left the restaurant with a smile splitting our faces into two, the same one that appeared because of Ouroboros, which was still lingering even after we left the restaurant.

'Snakes are always related to trickery, deception, and cruelty. But Ouroboros is the complete antithesis of that stereotype. He may favor Rimuru more than me -which I don't blame him for doing so-, but if anyone ever tries to hurt any of them-'

Rimuru: "Luminous, do you want to have a snack?"

My thoughts were cut off by Rimuru asking from behind with a tone that was... different. I looked toward him and saw that his eyes were directed toward a small shop next to the restaurant, it was also then that I saw the restaurant's name.

'Otherworldly Delicacies' was the glowing signboard above the restaurant, presumably its name. And underneath it, in a smaller font as if it was a subtitle: 'The best dishes from a different world!'

'What an arrogant title. What they served was nowhere near as good as what I have eaten in Tempest, well, the future version of it.'

But Rimuru wasn't looking at the restaurant's signboard, but that of the little bakery next to it.

It wasn't hard to guess what it sells about from its name: 'Otherworldly desserts.' And what was written below it: 'The best desserts from a different world!'

Luminous: "Sure. I also want to see what those supposed 'best desserts from another world' are."

Rimuru smiled at me, yet despite looking almost the same as every other bright and cheery smile he showed me before, it somehow felt... Different. He then held my hand and walked towards the pastry shop.

'Wait, if he just held my hand, then-'

Cashier: "Welcome to Otherworldly Desserts! What would you like to entertain your taste buds with today?"

'Such a fancy and extravagant welcoming to what is basically a bootleg Yoshida's pastry...' I was absolutely unimpressed with the over-the-top welcome, so much so that I forgot what I was thinking about a moment before.

Rimuru: "It seems that you cream buffs, can I get a packet?"

Cashier: "Hoh? It's not common to find someone new who already knows about our specialty. About the price-"

Rimuru: "Here. It's on Kaidou-san."

Before the cashier could even say the price, Rimuru pulled out Kaidou's card and showed it to him. The cashier looked surprised for a moment, but then brought out a notebook and wrote something on it before bridging a box from a rack.

Cashier: "Here they are."

Rimuru: "Thank you."

After Rimuru thanked the cashier with a slight bow, we left the shop and Rimuru instantly opened the box via magic. One hand is holding mine and the other is holding the box after all.

I took one and ate it in three bites. It was nowhere near Yoshida's or the one I'm used to eating, but I guess I have to do this for now.

Luminous: "It's not that great, but I guess I should've expected that from a bootleg Yoshida's shop. But it isn't bad, so it will do."

Rimuru: "Then what do you think about finding some park and sitting on a bench while eating this?"

Luminous: "Sounds good to me."

Rimuru looked around for a second before starting to move in a direction. 'Great Sage probably found one and is making us move toward it.'

And my speculation proved to be correct as we found a small park, one that Rimuru looked to be surprised when he saw it, as he most likely didn't expect it to be there.

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Where stories live. Discover now