CH 17 | Oh, Yeah. It's All According To keikaku.

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I opened my eyes to a view so beautiful it would put heaven to shame. Smiling as my face was dangerously close to hers, I somehow managed to control myself by repeating to myself: 'I am just a slime, I can't even do it!'

Feeling her breath, I slowly left her embrace and removed her hand covering my back by gently pushing her with my arms...

'Wait... back? Arms? But I don't-'

Yet that thought and all of my beliefs were destroyed with a single glance as I saw my body, my human body, wearing a white shirt and black pants. But it didn't end there, as I was hugging and being hugged by Luminous.

Rimuru: "AHHHHHH!!!"

With a scream akin to a girl's screech, I sat up having a face rivaling a volcano in redness and temperature, with strands of my disheveled hair covering my eyes and my breathing like that of a marathon runner.

Luminous: "Rimuru, why did you- WHAT THE HELL?!"

She changed her questioning tone went from sleepy to emergency mode as the surprise jolted her wide awake and with a burning face as she realized that she has been hugging me all the time.

Poor Ouroboros also woke up, now moving his head in all random directions, trying to figure out what's going on.

Rimuru: "I didn't- I mean, I don't- It wasn't- AHHHHH! GREAT SAGE!! HELP ME!!" Despite my panic, I was thankful that my voice wasn't more girly than before.

《Don't worry, Master, Luminous-san. I, in a way, did it.》

Luminous: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DID IT?! And why does he look different from before?!"

《When I was trying to analyze Luminous' Skill, I found that a human form was more effective to remove the coldness. The reason Master's human form looks different from before is because of the 'template' being used.

《While before it was based on Shizu's body, this time it's based on Luminous' and Master's old form from his memory to adjust it, But I would never accept Master being second place, hence why I made him so much more beautiful than Luminous, Shizu, and even his old form.》

Luminous: "Haaa... I can see that- Wait! What if someone enters? I'm sure they heard us, what-"

Her accepting me as beautiful made me very happy, not become someone complimented my looks, but because she said that I'm beautiful. Something that, from the raging blush reaching her ears and neck, she definitely noticed, yet she didn't bother to disapprove of it, meaning it's true.

《Don't worry, Luminous-san. I expected something like this to happen, so I put up barriers. Plus, it's early morning, and barely anyone is awake, even more so for them after such a hefty meal.》

Luminous: "Thank god you are smart! Anyway, did you at least find something that will help? And why am I already starting to feel cold?!" 

《When I was trying to analyze both you and your skill, the skill's protection took effect, stopping my analysis. As a side effect, it turned Master's base form into human form in such a way that I can't fix it, at least until I evolve into Raphae, And its coldness effect increased.

《But What I found was: Physical contact with a humanoid form is more effective as I said before, especially when it's hand-holding. But due to the increased effect, almost any form of physical contact other than hand-holding would only stop the coldness from increasing, but not decrease it.》

'I... I do like Luminous, and I should be happy about this, as it finally gave me an excuse to be with her that way, but... I don't like it. I don't like that it's only because she's forced to do it. I feel like I'm exploiting her...'

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Where stories live. Discover now