Something snapped inside of Sesshomaru. The sight of his mate in Naraku's grasp pushed his demon to the edge and for once he didn't fight it. He allowed himself to let go of his humanoid form and transform into his true demon form.

With a roar he slashed Naraku in half as if his body was made of butter. He was a pure blood demon from an ancient and powerful bloodline: He  was almost humiliated that he allowed himself to forget that.

Sesshomaru looked down to see that Naraku had let go of Inuyasha and she now laid unconscious on the forest floor. Her sweet face pale and turned to one side.

Sesshomaru moved so that her small form was now under his large form, no one was going to get her and live. He summoned his demonic energy, making the very trees in the forest groan at the amount of power he was projecting, but he was through.

He was done playing games with the miserable excuse of a demon:  Naraku's first mistake was assuming that he could ever defeat the great Sesshomaru.

He was in a demon class that was only second to the very gods. His second mistake was to challenge him on his lands. The idiot didn't realize that as long as Sesshomaru was stepping on western land soil his powers escalated ten folds.

He growled at him and let out a massive wave of poison at him, feeling satisfaction when his eyes widen in shock, when he realized that his poison was stronger than his miasma.

Lastly his finale mistake was targeting Inuyasha.

After being alone for many years, living in solitude, never knowing the pleasure of a gentle caress, always accompanied by the emptiness inside, he should have realized how foolish a move that must have try and steal the one person who brought him joy and pleasure.

He has suffered the indifference of a mother who was as cold as ice and the loss of a father who he couldn't understand, and to have the one person he has waited for years to be ripped away from him?


Naraku was going to find out that a mated demon was a force to be reckoned with

Inuyasha was his strength. From the moment that he saw Inuyasha as a female, all connections to the male she used to be vanished. In his mind the male Inuyasha died and ceased to exist. The Inuyasha she is now is his mate. From the moment he saw her angelic face, her cat eyes and her petite body he knew that she would be the one thing he would kill and fight to keep by his side.

Naraku was struggling to keep a barrier up so Sesshomaru reached out and took another swipe at him. He had to finish him off soon, he was losing too much blood, and his eye sight was getting a bit hazy. Naraku's barrier came down finally, he kneeled on the floor panting, and his eyes wide open in surprise.

He looked to his right and snarled making his reincarnation stand in front of him. Did he really think he would hesitate to kill them both?

Sesshomaru felt Kagome's arrow whiz past by him, it hit the reincarnation right in the chest purifying it instantly. The next arrow lodged itself in Naraku's chest making him grunt in pain before he screamed as the purifying light engulfed him.

Sesshomaru reverted back to his humanoid form "Bakusaiga!" he hit him with the power of his sword and with that ensured that he stayed dead.

The only thing left of him was the partially finished Sacred jewel.

It was done.

He rushed over to the fallen form of Inuyasha grimacing in pain as he kneeled by his mate and took her in his arms

"Wake up Inuyasha" he said shaking her a bit.

He wanted to see her golden eyes look up at him. Needed to know that she was unhurt and safe. He looked at her neck and saw the dark red ring from where the needle had pricked her skin. He leaned down and licked her neck tenderly as he shook from the lack of blood.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

He looked over to see Kagome, Sango and Miroku making their way towards them

"We have to get you back to the castle, you've lost too much blood and we need to get Inuyasha to a healer" Miroku stated

Even though he knew it was the wisest thing to do, he couldn't help the feral snarl that erupted from his lips as he felt someone try to pry his mate from his arms.

Sesshomaru held her closer and tighter to his body, protecting her from anyone who would try and take her. He knew Naraku was dead, knew that they both needed medical attention, but he would be damned if he let anyone take her from his arms right now.

Summoning all of his reserved strength, he  got up and leapt into the sky taking her small body with him, ignoring the cries of protest from the humans below. His only thought was getting her somewhere safe and to a healer to bandage up their wounds.

The One Destined For Me(InuSessh) Where stories live. Discover now