Chapter 3: The Beast from the Multiverse

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The Beast from the Multiverse

111= Farr Sky Mikado

113= Asalikith Mikado

Back at Melvin's Castle, (111) Mikado examined the strange energy flowing through (113) Mikados' arm and realized exactly what happened to her body. "Mikado, you are... experiencing exactly what I've been through. I had a similar instance much like yours happen to me; except, it seems like you've absorbed much more than what you were intentionally supposed to. It won't be too much longer until the energy has completely consumed all that you are, and all of your universe." (111) Mikado explained to (113), with this information being too much for (113) Mikado to take in. She then panics from hearing the unfortunate news, "NO! I, can't die. I still need to achieve my Knight rank, especially since my Taski will be there. No longer can I stay away from my world, I need to get back home. Please tell me you can help me out here?!" (113) Mikado expresses with great concern. Then, the King himself, King Melvin, steps into the room and explains to them all, "It is possible to get you back home, imposter. However, it may take a bit longer than what you were expecting. I apologize for the inconvenience, it's really all that we can do for now." Then unexpectedly, a woman enters into the lab, Twilight Roses appears before them. This catches Taski off guard and draws his attention toward her, 

"Twilight, when did you get here? You also look really wonderful tonight." Taski asked her along with admiring her beauty. Twilight then alerted King Melvin about the dangers of the Rhino's charging throughout the city, "Now is not the time for compliments. Melvin, there has been an emergency issued throughout the city and the EBA has already been set off on all devices, sir. There are multiple anthro-like Rhino's causing chaos through Asarelith city capital. We need to dispatch the strike force, there's very little time to stop them before they reach the castle, your majesty." King Melvin then summoned the strike forces, along with Darcie and Taski since they had appeared before him, and the rest of the knights within the castle on duty. The Knights of Farr Sky dispersed out into the city, they then were confronted with the beast, along with his squad. The Knights, Taski, Darcie, Twilight, remained steadfast in the streets, but then Grindeax gave the order to destroy them and eliminate any incoming resistance. "Kill them, and leave no room for them to escape. Make sure they cry for mercy, and that they suffer for thinking they have a chance against us." Grindeax demands.

To his squad, Grindeax proudly announces his men, they then charge forward with their Rhino horns aimed straight. Taski then gave command over the knights and ordered an attack on Grindeax. Darcie zapped at lightning speed, delivering an ultra-powerful blow in the face of Grindeax, and drove him into a large city structure. Twilight summoned her victory heart chain-whip, triggering massive gravity-controlled wind gusts, and Taski unleashed his flaming beast mode, slashing through the Rhino men standing on the streets and leaving the majority of them in ashes. Over to Darcie, after she landed her lighting zap strike on Grindeax and landed on the enormous city structure, she then summoned her half-blood scythe, as well as her wrath war mode, and stood before Grindeax, ready for annihilation. "Go ahead, tall... stubborn woman. You're only preventing us from saving your universe from collapsing, thanks to that woman you found on the streets. She will be your universes' ultimate doom, so go ahead and smite off my head, I dare you." Grindeax pronounces to her boldly. Darcie refused and explained to him their law and custody, she then offered a second chance to him, "Either call off your men, and we'll call off our knights; or, suffer the consequences. I don't really feel like killing today." Grindeax then stood up from his damages and charged forward in an attempt to grab Darcie from her face, but then is sliced on the rib deeply, the pain begins to pour out from his body. However, Grindeax persisted in his challenge to kill Darcie. He then grabs her face, slamming her down, head first; not only that, he then wacks her in the back powerfully with his Rhinoceros horn, and slammed her body into a ginormous television screen in the city. 

Darcie suffers external and internal casualties, coughing up blood and stuck with sharp screen glass. " *Cough* *cough*. This took ... a quick turn of events. He... must have an... ability to never quit... fighting." Darcie wrestles speaking as she coughs much. She then falls from the television screen and tumbles to the city streets. Back at the castle, (111) Mikado remained focused on collecting the needed data of (113) Mikado, and the energy flowing within her arm. The data being gathered collected into a computer designed by (111) Mikados' assistant team; but then, the data encrypted into the computer begins to expire quickly before she could process any into her mind. "(What? The data, it's showing expirations before anyone can even read it, but why? Wait a minute, I think it's... the cosmic stone. I remember when I first encountered it, but something is different about her. The energy is not fully absorbed into her system, which could only mean that someone else from the Multiverse has the remaining energy." (113) Mikado asked out of anxiety from the noise of the computer, "Umm, is that a normal sound that it's supposed to make, doc?" (111) Mikado then removed the attachments to (113) Mikado and rushed her out of the lab room. "Listen, did you absorb a really shiny rock back in your universe? It appears that you have a large portion of it surging throughout your body, and somehow that energy didn't fully absorb into you. I believe I know who has the remaining, and she is not a friendly one." (111) Mikado explained to (113) Mikado as the two rushed out from the computer lab room. A large explosion then shook the entire castle after the two escaped from the computer lab, (111) Mikado could only then imagine the damage to the expensive equipment she owned. As the two escaped from the bottom rooms of the castle, the crashes, and explosions from outside the castle seemed to appear louder and closer. (111) Mikado warned (113) Mikado about the dangers of what she brought about, 

"(113) Mikado. You are not from this universe, you traveled from your universe to ours. With that being said, you traveled through the Multiverse, and because of that move you did, it brought these Rhinos here to our world. You need to recover the rest of that energy and get out of the Multiversal hub. If you don't get the rest, you'll end u-." Before she could explain the rest of the information, a giant explosion separated the two from each other, and standing before (113) Mikado, was non-other than Grindeax himself. "You are coming with me, don't make this harder than it should. You hold within you a power that isn't yours, and now, I'm going to take it back from you. You Thief!" Grindeax shouted with anger. Our hero Mikado powers her gravitational ability and levitates sharp pipes near her, as well as other objects of damage, she then forces all her gravity outward toward Grindeax. In an attempt to force him back and to regroup with (111) Mikado. However, Grindeax only pushes through the rubble and pipes thrown at his direction and pushes to capture his target. It was as though anything (113) Mikado would use for offense would only slow her progress even more; then suddenly, (111) Taski burst through the rubble, as well as Twilight and (111) Darcie, and even a new face, a male that goes by the name of Jack. Jack was one of Taski's closest friends he had in Farr Sky, Jack then summoned his sharp weapons of knife, and swung his knife chain around like a rope, ready to lasso his prey. "Come on, you big mammal, give a fight worth remembering one day." Jack taunted Grindeax aggressively as he slowly walked near him. Taski then ordered for (113) Mikado to remove herself from the battle and to find her way out of the castle to hide. Without hesitation, (113) Mikado flees from the battle as the Knights of Farr Sky surround Grindeax, in a final battle for triumph.

The Knights of Asalikith: Mikado Across the Multiverse. (Special#1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon