Chapter 1:

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We all have that kid in our class who studies non-stop and who gets more attention from the teachers right? Yeah thats me.

Hi I'm Lily and I'm 16 years old. Classmates call me a nerd, I get it, I'm one of those 'perfect kids'. I study most of my time, I don't spend money on going nights out and I don't hang around on the streats all night. But the thing is, I have to study hard. Let's say my classmates have to study 3 days to get an A, for me to know just as much as them I have to study for about 2 weeks. So it just makes sense that I study more. And about the fact that I get more attention from the teachers, thats easy. Classmates always complain that teachers give me more attention, its because I also give them more attention. For example: when class is over and it's weekend what would you do? You would go. I stay, I mostly stay for a couple minutes, asking about their weekend plans, walking with them to the door. Its nice to have a talk with them when its not about class, slowly I got a bond with a lot of my teachers. With some I have a strong bond, with others a bit less. I'm just ready to give up some time from my weekend or my break to have a little chat with them. I'm closest with miss Brown, she is just- she understands me, sometimes she feels like a second mother.

I also got a boyfriend, atleasy I HAD a boyfriend. His name was Noah, nerds like me mostly don't have a relationship, there just aren't much boys who want to date somebody who studies and doesn't like going out so much. The thing is, Noah was also kind of a nerd, he didn't like going out either well untill... Latly he started to wanting to go out more, he cared less about school or reputation he even started to hang out with the 'cool boys' like he called them. I could have seen it comming, but I didn't. He and my bestfriend Evelynn got close... too close. For the people who still don't get it: he cheated on me, with my bestfriend. I know 'drop that loser', but I can't, I miss him.

My relationship with my parents isn't that amazing, and afther the well breakup between me and Noah I needed to talk, to cry. But where do I go? It's not like I'm about to go and run to Evelynn. I didn't have to think long where to go: miss Brown. She helped me, so much. I slowly got over Noah, and I bonded even more with miss Brown. 

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