Chapter 2. Alicent's Plight

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Otto had the misfortune to tell his only daughter she'd marry his enemy and that Viserys would be matching Laena in four years. That Alicent's children by Daemon would-be heirs to the Iron Throne, if Rhaenyra and Laena didn't have children and Viserys died, but Alicent's first thought was Rhaenyra.

Won't she hate her for marrying her Uncle? It would be worse if she married Viserys!

As Alicent was praying in the Godswood, she heard footsteps approaching from behind.

"My Uncle? You're marrying my Uncle?!"

The russet-brunette jumped and turned to see Rhaenyra's fuming face. She heard the news as well.

"Rhaenyra." Alicent tried to speak as she slowly crept to her friend and extended her hand to hold Rhaenyra's, only for the Princess to pull her hand away in disgust.

"That's Princess to you, Lady Hightower, or should I say Aunt?" Rhaenyra spat venomously.

"I did not ask for this, Rhaenyra. Truly, I didn't!" Alicent argued, biting the inside of her gums, trying her hardest not to burst into tears. In all the years they had known and been friends, Rhaenyra had never been so angry at her.

Rhaenyra ignored her. "You are no friend to use my name so freely, Lady Hightower."

Rhaenyra scoffs as she begins to circle her former friend. "I was blind to your ambition, but now I can see it. I saw how my Uncle looked at you at the tourney. When he asked for your favour, you looked glad. I bet you're happy. You'll be married into the royal family, and your heirs will be ahead of me for the Throne."

"No!" Alicent exclaimed. Why wasn't Rhaenyra listening? Did she not care to hear her side of the argument?

"Or was it my father you wished to marry? Become Queen, put your children ahead of me in succession? Gods, I should've known you were such a deceitful bitch." Rhaenyra spat, stopping in front of Alicent.

"I did not ask to be betrothed to your Uncle, Rhaenyra! Please, t I did not want this! My father doesn't want this. I don't want this! I swear by the Seven!" The Hightower girl pleaded, tears sparkling from her eyes.

Rhaenyra scowled coldly at her former friend. "I do not believe one word from your lying mouth, Lady Hightower."

Rhaenyra stomped out of the Godswood, leaving the russet brunette to drop to her knees and cry.

As Alicent wept for minutes, she heard a twig snap and turned to see Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Most likely here with her husband and daughter to discuss Laena and Viserys' betrothal.

"Lady Alicent." The older woman's voice commanded authority yet was motherly at the same time.

Alicent wiped her face with her hands and curtseyed as best as possible. "Princess."

"I was passing to discuss the meeting with Laena when I overheard you and the Princess. I guess she's also heard of your impending nuptials with Prince Daemon?" Rhaenys asked with a look of concern.

Alicent tried not to remember the fight and resisted the urge to cry again when Rhaenys approached the girl and pulled her into her arms, rubbing her hand on her back and shushing her as the younger woman wept again.

"It's alright, dear girl. I understand your dilemma, and although I have never lost a friendship, Rhaenyra shouldn't have been so dismissive without hearing your side."

Alicent sniffled as she wiped her face again. She just cried in the arms of Princess Rhaenys, the Queen who Never Was.

But Rhaenys provided something Alicent had been craving since her mother passed.

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