Chapter 26. Getting To Know The Family II

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Saera looked at the six children standing across the table from her. She could tell her daughter's children apart quickly.

Aemond had an eyepatch. Alyssa wore blue. Aelinor wore pants and had her mother's brunette hair. Daeron was the youngest at aged eleven. Helaena had a dreamy look in her eyes, and Aegon was a mini Daemon in some ways.

"So." Saera sighed happily before asking. "What do you all like?"

Helaena started, mumbling. "Insects."

"I enjoy reading about many things from history to politics and Valyria. I'm also fond of flying on Vhagar, sapphires, and sword fighting," Aemond answered.

"I like sword fighting too!" Daeron exclaimed.

Aelinor jumped in. "Riding Vermithor, swords and wearing breeches. I also like hearing stories of warrior princesses like Nymeria or Visenya."

"Wine, my dragon Sunfyre and Aelinor." Aegon replied.

Alyssa blushed. "I love riding Silverwing, the colour blue, being around Aemond, and reading with Aemond."

Saera smiled at her grandchildren. "You have no idea how happy I am to be with you all. Your parents have made and raised such beautiful children, and I'm honoured to be your grandmother and great-aunt."

The six younger Targaryens held mixed emotions. They were delighted they had a living grandmother and great-aunt but conflicted due to the matter of, well, everything.

Saera approached her granddaughters, asking. "Who's Rhaenyra?"

Alyssa coldly remarked. "A cruel woman. It was her second son who maimed Aemond, her cruelty to our Mother made our Father hate her so much, and at this very moment, she is usurping the throne from Father as he was Uncle Viserys' heir. She also passed three of her sons as Laenor Velaryon's despite the three having more Strong-er features."


Aelinor nodded. "Rhaenyra had Harwin Strong father her Velaryon bastards. She also marries Ser Harwin only hours after Ser Laenor dies, and she only cries about how she's the victim."

Saera nodded. "I'm guessing she's also my great-niece?"

"Uncle Viserys was blind to her blatant recklessness. Now he's dead, and she sits on that sword-made chair." Aegon jumps in.
Helaena muttered. "There is a beast beneath the floors."

"What was that, sweet girl?" Saera asked her eldest granddaughter, placing a gentle hand on Helaena's shoulder.

Helaena, who usually flinched at strangers touching her, was still. Her siblings were amazed at how calmly she remained as she repeated her sentence to their grandmother.

"Princess Saera, would you care to walk with me?" The seven Targaryens looked to see Alicent standing in the doorway of the war room.

Saera nodded, a smile adorning her face. "Of course, my darling."

Saera gracefully strolled from her grandchildren to Alicent, taking her arm and noticing Ser Criston standing stoically behind the russet brunette woman.

Alicent knew her mother was observing her and watching her.

"Did you have a good childhood?" Saera asked

Alicent bit her lip, remaining strong, "It was pleasant enough. Mother-Lady Elinor did her best as a mother before she died."

"How did she die?" Saera asked hesitantly, aware she was broaching a sensitive topic but curious about what happened to her former handmaiden.

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