Chapter 6. The Departing

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Rhaenyra was livid! Alicent told her she would rather watch than ride Syrax, yet she rides Caraxes and uses Valyrian to instruct him!

Who did Alicent think she was?

The bard she had sat with earlier, Samwell, returned with sheets of paper containing the song she had requested be composed. The Princess grabbed the sheets and viewed them, a vicious smile growing on her face.

The High Whore and the Dragon. It was a fitting title for her Uncle's new whore of a wife.

And an even more fitting wedding gift for her new Aunt.

Rhaenys was in the garden, having tea and biscuits with Laena, when Alicent walked along, minding her business, when the Queen Who Never Was called out. "Alicent, dear, come join us!"

Alicent complied, and when she arrived at the table, she curtseyed. "Princess Rhaenys. Lady Laena."

"We're family now. Call us Rhaenys and Laena. Have a seat; you'll probably have difficulty walking after last night." The older Targaryen woman smiled kindly.

Laena looked between Alicent and her mother and asked. "Why would her legs be sore, Mother? Did she go running last night?"

Alicent smiled at Laena's innocence. She'll learn in four years when it is time to marry Viserys. "Prince Daemon and I were... performing a special dance."

"Why is it a special dance?" Laena asked.

Alicent cleared her throat and looked to Rhaenys, who nodded. "Because a married man and woman do this dance to ask the gods for a babe. If the gods like the dance, they'll grant the couple a baby."

"Is that how you and Father got me and Laenor, Mother? By a special dance to please the gods?" Laena looked at her mother.

"Something like that, yes. How are you feeling, Alicent?" Rhaenys asked, moving the subject of the conversation away from the 'special dance.'

Alicent took a sip of her drink. "It was enthusiastic, as was this morning."

"Corlys told me what Daemon said when the servants presented the sheets to the Council—a new dragon rider."

Alicent nodded. "I did ride Caraxes earlier. Daemon taught me some commands in Valyrian and showed me what to do."

"You never forget your first flight." Rhaenys smiled reminiscently.

"It was fantastic! The city looked so different. I understand the desire to fly by a dragon." Alicent smiled.

Laena's eyes widened. "I can't wait to have my very own dragon!"

"You'll have fun, Laena. I promise. It was scary initially, but I would like to do it again."

Rhaenys and Laena smiled as the three continued their tea and biscuits.

"I have a wedding gift for you and Uncle Daemon. Bard, play the song." Rhaenyra's false glee changed to cold command as the bard fearfully began to play the first notes.

Daemon had a murderous look as he heard the words.

The High Whore rode the Dragon and took his crown to put on her own. A blatant lie.

Alicent bit the inside of her gums and began to pick at her nails until Rhaenys grabbed her hand and held on. A look of concern washed the older woman's face as the insulting song continued.

"And that is the story of." He paused before drawing out the words. "The High Whore and the Dragon."

Daemon jumped to his feet and began choking the bard. Everyone stood but Rhaenyra, who did not expect her Uncle's reaction to attack the bard.

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