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Julian's POV

Nearing the end of the premier league season left Julian more stressed than usual with even more pressure being put on the players to secure a top four position from both the club and the fans. When Julian was younger and feeling anxious he would always without failure seek his elder sister out and she would always stop what she was doing to comfort her younger brother. But now nearly 7 '000 miles between then he had to resort to facetiming her and hoping that she was available to rant to. Luckily for him it was a Saturday afternoon back in his home town of Mar Del Plata so that meant Catalina was free to talk and he would have the added bonus of seeing his 3 year old nephew, Gabriel.

Situating his phone against the fruit bowl on his kitchen island Julian presses the call button and after a few short rings his sister's face pops up "Hola Julián, todo bien? nunca llamas solo para una charla amistosa'' she rambles as soon as she sees Julian 's sunken face. ("Hi Julian, is everything okay? you never call just for a friendly chat")

"¡Qué quieres decir con que siempre te llamo!" trying to hide his emotions with humor but Catalina knew better and gave him a very pointed look which he had nicknamed her 'mum' look "OK. quería hablar de las cosas que pasan en mi vida". Julian finally admitted, "los entrenadores nos están haciendo trabajar diez veces más duro y no ayuda que cada error que cometo se transmita en todo el mundo. Ni siquiera puedo abrir Twitter sin ver algún tipo de odio." ("What do you mean I always call you!"" ok. i did want to talk about things going on in my life". "the coaches are making us work ten times harder and it doesn't help that every mistake i make gets broadcasted worldwide. I can't even open twitter without seeing some kind of hate")

Catalina couldn't handle the sad look on her brother's face. "Oh, lo siento J. Ojalá hubiera algo que pudiera hacer para mejorarlo. ¿Quieres que vaya a pelear con alguien?" julian could never believe how someone could be filled with so much compassion and how easily she could take him out of his bad moods with only a few words.Just as Julian was about to thank her sister padded footsteps could be heard from the other side of the phone and a loud distinct squeal of "mama" could only mean that Catalina's son had barged into the room. Something that he gets from his Tío Julian. ("Oh i am sorry J. i wish there was something i could do to make it better. Do you want me to go fight someone")

With glee in his eyes Julian smiled and exclaimed "es quien creo que es!". having not seen his young nephew for months at this point. ("is that who i think it is!").

The toddler had finally climbed onto his mother's lap and saw who she was talking to, gasping in excitement Gabriel yelled probably too loudly "Tío Julian!".

He was in disbelief at how much his nephew had grown during the long time without seeing each other and jokingly said "no eres mi sobrino! eres demasiado grande para ser él'' at this Gabriel tried to convince his uncle that he was the same person. laughing at his nephew's actions Julian gave up the act "ok ok te creo por ahora. Dime todo lo que ha estado pasando". ("you are not my nephew! you're too big to be him""ok ok I believe you for now. Tell me everything that's been going on")

Listening to the toddler ramble about everything important to the boy, which is near enough everything gave Julián time to reminisce about his youth back home and after being away from home for the past five years made him realise just how much he had actually missed. Moving across the world at the age of 19 to a country where he didn't even speak the language was a very difficult challenge for the young man. I took Julián a long time to fully adjust being away from home and experiencing a whole new culture but he had tons off support around him with his new club and future friends always said that he could vent to them as many of them had been through his situation. Although His family offered to move to England with him,  he refused their offer saying that 'there is no reason for everyone to uproot their lives for just him' .He always dreamed of going back to visit but his schedule never allowed it. 

It always saddened him seeing his teammates get congratulated or comforted by their families after matches Julián was never able to feel that since moving to Liverpool. The closest thing he received was a text from his parents usually the day after. Julián never blamed his family for missing games though because he knew they had their own lives and could put it on halt for a football match.

Noticing her brother zoned out, Catalina shooed away her son and turned her attention to her phone "¡Ey! que esta pasando en tu cabeza". ("Hey! what's going on in your head")

The loud voice startled Julián out of his thoughts "¿qué? oh, solo pensando en casa. tengo un poco de ganas de visitar" ("what? oh just thinking about home. I kinda want to visit.")

"¡Debería! mamá y papá te extrañan como locos. Además, en realidad tienes un descanso este año." his sister said, obviously thrilled at the possibility of seeing her little brother again. ("You Should! mum and dad miss you like crazy. Plus you actually have a break this year")

"sí, los extraño mucho. tengo tres semanas libres antes de la copa américa" At this revelation his sister squealed in excitement and started planning his trip. "espera, Catalina, tengo que consultar con mamá y papá para ver cuándo es mejor para ellos y para ustedes.". ("yeah i do miss them a lot. i have three weeks just before Copa America free". "hold on Catalina i have to actually check with mum and dad to see when it is best for them and you guys")

"ugh no eres divertido. llámalos ahora" and with that she swiftly hung up on her brother most likely to go plan his trip for him. ("ugh you are no fun. call them now")

Being left in his kitchen alone, Julián decided to call his mum just to get it over and done with and to make Catalina happy. So pulling open his contacts he pulls up his mother's contact and clicks the call. it only takes a few rings for the phone to connect and Julian took off talking:

"Hola mamá, estaba pensando en visitarte a ti y a papá. No he estado en casa en mucho tiempo. ¿Cómo suena el final de junio? es justo antes de la copa américa"


Julián's face fell when he realized he had not called his mother.

authors note

so i promise  taylor will be in the next chapter.

i just wanted to explore more of julians family and background

hope you enjoyed

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