Back to the Beginning

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Back To the Beginning

Quick Summary: A short story about Navrat who is running away from someone, or something. What is she running away from?



All I felt was pain as I ran through the woods under the gray sky that kept rumbling, giving a warning of a storm coming. The cold wind hit my skin like needles; my legs ached me to stop, and my brain pounded against my head. My heart was beating against my ribs faster and faster, telling me it couldn't take it anymore, my lungs burned to stop and breathe. My guts were stinging and felt like they were being pinched. My whole body was screaming at me to stop running. But, the adrenaline that flowed through my veins was telling me to keep going, that I couldn't stop.

Stop, Navrat.

His velvety voice made its way in my head, trying to hypnotize me under his spell and control what I did. For a second I felt myself falter, but quickly I regained my composure and pushed myself harder and ran faster.

Stop running Navrat. You know you can't run away from me.

His sickly sweet and soothing voice became clearer and louder in my head, invading every cell in my brain. It took everything I had to keep control over myself as I felt panic mix with the adrenaline. He was getting closer to me. I could feel it, feel him slowly taking control of my body.

I kept running as the thunder got louder and more frequent; the storm was almost here. The wind began to hit me harder, and my dark black hair came out of the hair tie, few strands coming in my eyes. The white dress I wore was flying behind me as I ran around the trees and over the rocks. My wide eyes roamed around the wood, and I looked behind me making sure no one was following me, making sure he wasn't anywhere near. Even though I couldn't see him, I felt him being close from the way my body was losing control and mind going into a frenzy.

A scream left my lips when I tripped over a log and fell on my knees and hands. Without a second thought, I stood back up just to cause excruciating pain to go through my ankle and up my leg. I closed my eyes tightly in pain before I opened them and gasped in shock, shock because he was standing only a few meters away from me.

He was leaning against a tree in such a calm posture as if he wasn't wrecking a havoc in my mind. He stood there dressed in all black, making his pale skin look paler and red eyes, which held amusement, stand out more, lips formed in to a devilish smirk.

My legs were still aching, heart still beating fast against my ribs, guts still stinging and pinching, lungs still burning to catch all the oxygen it lacked, head still pounding. However, this time the adrenaline in my body was replaced with fear. Fear ran through me like a plague, sealing my lips together, cutting my voice, freezing my feet to the ground, shaking every bone and muscle in my body.

A loud thunder rumbled through the sky, the wind picked up it's speed, and drops of rain soon followed. The storm was finally here.

My chest began to rise and fall faster as my breathing quickened. The same body that was begging me to stop was now telling me to turn around and run, run before he gets me. He knew what was going on in my mind, because in a blink of an eye he was in front of me and took hold of my wrist.

"I told you to stop running." His voice was cold as his fingers, the same ones that were grazing across my wrist slowly feeling like a sharp knife. He kept grazing his thumb across my wrist. It was as if he continued then his sharp nail would cut through my skin and cut a vein, ending this all.

"No matter where you run you will always end up coming to me." His breath fanned my face, his face only a few inches away from my face. "You're mine, Navrat," my body became paralyzed and the world around me slowly began to disappear, "and I'm yours."

The only thing I was able to do was stare into his sharp red eyes. The longer I stared at them the more I felt like they were taking away parts of me. A grin formed on his face, showing his razor sharp teeth.

"You don't need to be scared, my sweet Navrat." The way he said my name sent shivers through my body. "I'm just here to take you back." At that moment, I felt my life slipping through my legs and hands. The world disappeared completely and my knees buckled. I was prepared for him to leave my wrist and feel an impact with the hard ground, instead I fell into his arms. I fell into the arms of the demon and I knew that the demon had me back. Madness had me back and Madness was going to take me back, back to the beginning.


A little background about the name Navrat.

Navrat is a Sovakian word translated to relapse in English.




1. (of someone suffering from a disease) suffer deterioration after a period of improvement.



1. a deterioration in someone's state of health after a temporary improvement.

Also, Navratri means nine nights in Sanskrit, which probably would have a more meaning in the story if it was longer.

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