Chapter Three

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"lynx, NC-1 protocol, neutral. We are just going to test your new speed upgrades today." I place the silver bot on the ground. Grey patches of metal litter the almost spotless surface of its armor. Lynx is my first ever project, dispute having to constantly update him, I'm never giving up on him. Having taught him well over a dozen commands so I could still keep him around. I just wish he was the same as the triplets I based him off of. But that is too much to ask for so I set a plan to make an AI disc in the future. Most, if not all commands are given to him by my wireless mic headset.

I open the barn greeting the triplets and give AshSpark an ice bath to help her cool down from the desert. This caused Spring, the prankster of the sisters, to splash the water and cause a mess.

"I'm not dealing with this so early. The sun is barely over the horizon, Blue please." The deep ocean blue dragon dead pans and makes a low whine showing how much she also hates this. "Sorry, not today. Lynx follow."

I grab my bike and pedal down the desolate road into a busy street. Looking to the side to check how Lynx is keeping up. It is mesmerizing to watch metal seemingly bend like water. I improved his flexibility to allow more mobility. Now he runs like a panther. Oh I forgot to mention he is just about as long as my arm from chest to hind leg, not including his neck or tail, and reaches my knee.

No one bothered to question the bot beside me, mainly because everyone knows I am a hobbyist inventor. So I just went my merry way pedaling to Sam's house. Only to stumble when I see him being chased by the yellow Camero.


"Not now! I'm being chased by my crazy car!"

That was all that needed to be said for me to pedal next to him. "Crud, I have not taught Lynx how to attack yet. Sam, explain to me what happened."

"Oh I don't know, Satan's Camero suddenly started chasing me!"

I lean to the side to pull my bike out of the way of a pot hole. I glance down to make sure Lynx was still keeping up. Luckily he hasn't reached his limit yet and seems to be cruising next to me.

"Lynx, jump!" Knowing that I have yet to find a way to stop him from colliding into obstacles. I make him jump so I slid beneath the bot, causing him to fall into the back basket. Losing control of the bike slightly, I swerve around a bit due to the added weight.

I watch as Sam comically flips his bike in the air after tripping on an uprooted concrete slab.

"Hi Mikaela! Bye Mikaela!"

I speed past already knowing where Sam plans to run to. But nerves made a surge of emotion pour into my mind. They are worried, having noticed my unease with this situation. So I try to convey as much reassuring energy I can through the bond. When I reach the construction site I quickly abandon my bike, and help Lynx out of the basket. I turn to see Sam racing after me.

"Hurry!"I motioned for him to hide behind one of the cars. He quickly slides the bike next to me. "Anything I missed between you and your crush?"

"Why are you interrogating me? I'm trying to hide!" Sam whisper yells.

"Sorry! I'm trying to distract my hyperactive brain!" I whisper yell right back. Sam's face changes into relief the moment he looks over my shoulder.


"Sam no!" I quickly ran after him. My chest suddenly feels like a snake is constricting my lungs with venom seeping into all my muscles making me stumble. Another surge of worry and reassurance flows from my bond making me able to overcome the sudden urge to run. I quickly help Sam off the floor, rapidly backing away from the cop cruiser.

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