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OFFICER- それで、あなたは子供が彼の両親をそれほど残酷に殺したと思いますか?[So, you think that the kid killed his parents that brutally?]

KIYO- (acted madly) そうそう!!!私は彼が血まみれになっているのを見ました。彼が両親を殺害したと私は101%確信しています!!!!!!!!!!!!![Yes Yes!!! I saw him covered in blood. I'm 101% sure that he murdered his parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

OFFICER- そして、なぜあなたはそう思いますか?[And why do you think so?]

KIYO- アサヒが高校に通い始めてから両親がうまくいかなかったからです。彼は学校で苦手だと叱られていました。彼は両親に復讐するためにこれをしたと確信しています!だから私は子供を持ちたくないのです!!! [Because his parents weren't behaving well with Zack since he started going to high school. He used to get scolded for being not good in school. I am sure he did this to take revenge on his parents!! That's why I don't wanna have kids!!!]

OFFICER- わかりました、情報をありがとう。私たちは子供を手に入れようとします。[Ok, thank you for the information. We will try to get the kid.]

KIYO- ありがとう、役員。[Thank you, Officer.]

*The officer came back to the police station to report the information to Officer Shawn, head of the District-6 region. *

SHAWN- So, what information you got from the scene?

OFFICER- (handing Shawn his mobile phone to show the photos of the crime scene) Sir, we found this house splattered with blood, 2 dead bodies, seems to be brutally killed by a heavy weapon...

SHAWN- (interrupting in between) Umm, why I am seeing pictures of you and your wife doing n*de things at the crime scene?

OFFICER- (embarrassed) Oh f**k, sorry sir, wrong photos. (took the phone and have over back with the right photos)

SHAWN- (sipping tea) Hmm, this looks like someone killed them with some heavy weapon, I can see some pieces of ribs over there. Is any suspect told by that lady?

OFFICER- Yes sir, she told that both were murdered by their 17-year-old son...

SHAWN- (spit off his tea) Are you mad or what? How can a kid kill like this? And which kid will kill their parents!!!

OFFICER- Yes sir, I also thought the same, but then the lady told me that he was not satisfied with his parents. They don't act nicely to their son.

SHAWN- But still, how can a kid kill someone such brutally?

*Another officer came into the office and handed the medical and forensic report to Shawn. *

OFFICER 2- Sir, we got these reports. It says that there is a big round hole in the lungs, ribs are shattered and the heart was detached from the victim's body. The whole forensic team was shocked after watching this. They said how can someone kill like this. It's difficult to find from which weapon they got murdered.

SHAWN- Hmm, I see

OFFICER 2- And we got these reports too. Doctors examined the brain, it showed some weird things inside. There was a weird electric signal flowing in their neurons. Surprisingly, it was an external signal.

SHAWN- It means, someone was controlling their minds by using this electric signal technology. But still, it doesn't satisfy this brutal scene after looking at that big wound in their chest. (took a deep breath) Take these reports and examine them more carefully. And start finding this mind-controlling guy.

OFFICER 2- Ok sir (went out of the office)

SHAWN- And you, minimize your s*x time, you gonna kill yourself by this.

OFFICER- (more embarrassed) Ok sir!!! (he also went off)

SHAWN- "Hmm, so, your name is Zack. I am gonna find you at all costs"


ZACK- Hmm? That's strange. The tree got vanished? Is it inside me? Whatever, I lost my parents now. How am I gonna live now? My life is turning to hell now...

*Unexpectedly, he heard some voice of footsteps in the air. Zack got alerted and went back to his fighting position. And then, someone came from behind to attack him. Zack took a jump and dodged the attack. *

ZACK- Huh? Who the hell?.....

*The guy seemed to be young and healthy. He rushed back and again tried to attack him. Zack managed to dodge all his attacks. But the man cleverly kicked him, and he flew 50 m away from him and fell on a tree. *

"Damn, who's this guy, and how's he so fast and powerful? And why is it behind me? "

*The guy came back to attack. But Asahi stored his energy in his right arm and punched that guy with full force. The guy flew off and fell into a pond. *

ZACK- Enough, who are you? and why you are behind me?

*He came out of the pond and landed on the ground again. He pulled off his fingers and grew his nails up to 20 cm. *

"What the f*ck is that?"

*He rushed towards Zack with his long sharp nails. He tried to slice him into pieces, but Zack managed to dodge them. But suddenly, he got slipped and the guy sliced him into 100 pieces. But then, he manages to rejoin all his parts in one piece and kicked him in his face. The guy got knocked and Zack took off his blood arm to hold the guy tightly. *

GUY- AHH!! It's painful!!

ZACK- It is. Now tell me, who are you? And why you came to kill me!?

GUY- I'm Rohan, a demon like you, and I wanna kill every demon existing in this world!!

"What? He's a demon? Like me? And he said that he will kill every demon in this world? Does it mean there are more demons like me? Was Tokyo always a monstrous place? A hidden place of flesh-eating demons?!"

REINCARNATED AS A DEMONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora