Saija's intuition kicked in, and she asked, "Is it Uzumaki Naruto?"

'Such great intuition, that's why you are under my wing' Yatsuragi nodded in agreement, acknowledging Saija's astute observation. 

"Yes, Saija. Naruto's presence is indeed a complicating factor. Y/N's goals are different from Sasuke's single-minded desire for revenge against his brother. Y/N seeks to uncover the truth behind her elder sister's actions and understand the reasons for the massacre of her clan."

The emerald eyed girl listened attentively to Yatsuragi's words, her mind processing the information

"According to the intel Kabuto gathered, Uzumaki Naruto is changing Y/N's heart and goals. He is a child who has much influence on Y/N, so the faster we tear them apart the better" Yatsuragi nodded, his expression reflecting a sense of urgency and determination.

Saija listened intently, her mind already processing the possibilities. "So, master, how do you propose we strengthen her hatred and guide her toward the darkness?"

He paused for a moment, contemplating their next move. "To ensure our success in capturing Y/N, we need to exploit her curiosity and desire for answers. We must fuel the flames of her hatred and push her to the brink of despair. Only then will she be vulnerable enough to fall into our hands."

Saija nodded, absorbing his words and recognizing the intricate nature of their task. "So, we need to delve into her past, uncover her emotional triggers, and carefully craft a narrative that fuels her anger and resentment," she summarized, her mind already formulating strategies.

Yatsuragi's gaze turned steely as he spoke. "We will manipulate the information she uncovers. We will plant seeds of doubt, distorted truths, and half-truths, weaving a web of deception around her. By feeding her false narratives and clouding her judgment, we can amplify her anger and resentment towards her sister."

Saija nodded, comprehending the intricacy of their plan. "And once she is consumed by her hatred, the curse mark will take hold, granting us the power we desire."

A sinister smile tugged at the corners of Yatsuragi's lips. "Indeed, Saija. We will seize the opportunity when her emotions are at their peak. We will strike at the right moment, ensuring that she is completely under our control."

Saija bowed, her loyalty resolute. "Consider it done, master. I will prepare for Y/N's capture and manipulate her path towards us. She will become a formidable weapon in our hands."

Yatsuragi's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Excellent, Saija. Do not fail me. The fate of our ambitions rests on Y/N's transformation. We will make her a pawn in our grand scheme, and she will serve as the catalyst for the chaos we seek."

His gaze shifted to Saija, his eyes narrowing. "And Saija, you understand Shingen's capricious nature. Keep a close watch on him. We cannot afford to let him jeopardize our plans by eliminating my precious asset," he warned, his voice cold and commanding.

Saija's expression turned serious, her resolve strengthening as she absorbed Yatsuragi's instructions. She nodded solemnly, fully aware of the gravity of her responsibility. "I will keep a vigilant eye on Shingen, Master. His actions will not go unnoticed"

Yatsuragi's lips curved into a twisted smile. "Good," he responded, his satisfaction evident. "When Y/N confronted Shingen, fearlessly facing someone stronger, it displayed a recklessness that could be harnessed. We must exploit that audacity to further manipulate her."

She understood the urgency of their mission and the need to sever any influence Uzumaki Naruto might have on Y/N. She was well aware of Shingen's unpredictable nature and the potential threat he posed to their plans.

THE PATH OF LIFE || U. SASUKEOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara