I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Mini jogged up to walk beside us as Rudy tried keeping up with our fast pace. "Hey, anything he does is stupid, we both know that. This shouldn't come as a shock!"

"Since when did you just randomly show up like awoop jumpscare?" Brynne said, chuckling at her own joke, "Like damn girl, it's like you teleported here!"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, since when did my best friend get rejected by her crush multiple times even though the feeling was mutual? Like that was a 'jumpscare.'"

I winced. "Am I still being tortured with that?"

Mini blinked, debating whether or not to hurt me. "Yes, you nimrod, are you dumb?"

"Hey," Rudy said, adding his thoughts into the conversation, "Don't answer that question, Aiden. I learnt it was a rhetorical one apparently. She gets mad if you reply to it, so don't."

Rudy shuddered and looked at Mini with a horrified look on his face. Mini blinked harshly at him and he flinched. Gods, what'd she do to traumatize him this much? Hopefully I don't get that wrath ever in the future.

"And I'm not done with you, Acharya," Mini continued, pointing a menacing finger at me, "You made my sister mad and whoever messes with my people learn to never do so again. Watch it."

She cracked her knuckles and shot me one of the most deadly looks I've ever received from anyone in my entire life. I gulped, then looked at Brynne. She looked up at me with the exact same emotion. They cracked their necks at me in unison, and then grinned.

"Run," They both whispered menacingly.

You bet your stars I ran.

Behind me I heard them cackle with pure joy, wheezing at my reaction. That didn't matter, at this point, I didn't care about Brynne murdering Arielle, I cared about preventing Mini and Brynne from murdering me. I ran down the hallway, and turned my head back ever-so-slightly to see if they were following me.

You bet your stars they were following me.

I cursed under my breath. "Shit."

I stopped and turned the corner, running past a few students and almost knocking into them. I reached the middle of the school, where there was an outside courtyard and was about to pull the door open to run outside and hide behind a bush when I felt an arm reach out and grab my shirt's collar to pull me into the janitor closet.

"Please don't hurt me!" I screeched, "Brynne, Mini, whoever it is, I swear I wo–"

"Hush," I heard a sweet, calm voice say, clasping a soft hand over my mouth, "Keep quiet, fool."

I was basically kneeling down in front of this person while my head was basically resting on their chest. The janitor's closet was not a spacious place to say the least, so our bodies were pressed close together. I gently removed the hand that was covering my mouth and stood up to turn around and see the person who'd saved me from two crazy women who I call friends. Before, the girl that saved me towered over me as I knelt in front of me, but now I towered over her. I turned around and through the light that seeped through the cracks of the door, I was able to make out her face. My eyebrows raised as I recognized her.

"Shah?" I spoke, surprised, "What are you do–"

She clasped her hand over my mouth again, and pressed me against the wall.

"What are you doing?!" I spoke, my voice muffled by her hand once more.

She put her finger over mouth and motioned for me to be quiet. It wasn't really as comfortable to be pinned against a wall by my crush. Gods, I know that I shouldn't have feelings for her but I think my mind might be changing. Maybe I could change that?

No! Nonono! Stahp! Nonsense!

Suddenly, rushed footsteps were heard outside.

Brynne jumped up and down, waiting for Rudy to catch up with the both of them. "He probably went through the courtyard and hid there! Let's go!"

As Aru listened for them to go away I watched her, completely forgetting the fact that I was being chased. All I knew was that I was with her. I watched as the little bit of light from outside played across her features, illuminating bits of her face, her irises, nose, mouth, eyelashes, etc. While she focused on trying to get me to not be pummeled by fists, I focused on searching her face. Searching for answers, feelings, emotions, anything. Anything that told me something.

I want you back in my life.

"Okay, I think the coast is clear," She whispered, taking her hand off of my mouth and unpinning me from the wall, "What did you do this time, Aiden?"

The sound of my name coming out of her mouth made me shiver ever so slightly.

"I don't even know," I chuckled, "I guess they're still kinda mad at me for the situation that happened between me and you."

Aru hesitated then opened her mouth in an 'O' shape.

"Soooo..." I replied, trying to strike up a conversation, "Happy Valentine's Day! Happy early birthday! Are you ready for the dance? Doin' anything interesting for the big one-six?"

Aru giggled.

Gods, I've missed that sound.

"Nah, bro, I'm just gonna have a quick movie night the day after tomorrow since it's a Saturday. I actually was looking for you because of the fact that I wanted to invite you."

My eyes widened in shock. Why'd she want me, of all people at her birthday celebration?

"Me?" I repeated.

"Yeah you," She said, playfully punching my arm, "I miss hanging out. I don't think it's fair for us to have this much awkward tension between us, y'know?"

"Yeah, yeah!" I said, grinning like a baby that got a hold of a lollipop, "That sounds great!"

Maybe I can get a second chance with her. Don't screw this up, Aiden!

Aru put a hand on my shoulder and smiled up at me before heading outside of the janitor's closet. "You're a really great friend, Aiden, I hope you know that."



bet y'all are rollin' in y'all's graves rn cos of the fact that Aru thinks of Aiden as a friend 


Deal with it

you'll get victory soon

soOn my children you'll get what you want...


*recedes into pitch-black background creepily while waving arms about*






I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now