Chapter 15 - Sleepover

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Friday’s last bell brought a relief on everyone’s faces. A hubbub broke out as students left the classroom in pairs and clusters talking about their weekend plans. Trisha hastily zipped her bag and rushed to Nikky’s desk in exhilaration, excited over the sleepover, but to her dismay saw Nikky sitting deadpan stuffing her books clumsily into her bag. ‘

Aren’t you excited, Nix?’ Trisha asked.

Rikky tried to look energetic but was terrible at her performance. Uncanny as it seemed, Trisha wondered the reason behind Nikky’s displeasure and promised to herself to get to the bottom of Nikky’s weird behaviour. No way was she going to give up on her friend and their friendship. Trisha had to understand what was really wrong with Nikky.

Trisha patted Rikky on her shoulder. ‘Let’s go,’ she said in a jovial tone. Annoyed as she was, Rikky swung her bag on her shoulder and just pounded towards the door.

Trisha caught up with her quickly and said, ‘Let’s hope your mother doesn’t wake up like my mother did when we had the MNF at our last sleepover at my place last month, remember?’

Rikky feigned laughter. She had no clue what an MNF was and wondered what kind of friends Nikky made. They were too enthusiastic for her liking. In fact, there were some better girls in their class.

Ira was waiting at the school reception to receive the two girls. She was delighted to see Trisha along with Nikky. She hoped that Trisha would bring some change in Nikky as she was finding it difficult to spot the problem and so were Nikky’s school principal and teachers.

Ira’s meeting with Nikky’s teachers shortly before the school ended wasn’t quite the way she had expected. They too were as clueless as Ira, unable to figure out how such a bright, outstanding student like Nikky looked disoriented. As a matter of fact, one of the teachers even suggested consulting a child psychologist if the matter didn’t improve.

Now, looking at Trisha’s gleeful face striding towards her, Ira pinned her last hope on her.

‘Hello aunty!’ Trisha said in her exciting voice. Ira brushed her thoughts aside instantly and hugged Trisha and then her daughter. After a courteous exchange of greetings, the three walked to the parking lot in different spirits. Rikky upset; Trisha elated; and Ira hopeful.

‘All set for the sleepover, you two?’ Ira asked looking at Trisha from the front-view mirror as she turned on the ignition.

‘Yes, aunty,’ Trisha said from the back seat. ‘I am so glad the day has finally come. The week passed by so slowly,’ Trisha said.

The week did move at a snail’s pace. Ira crossed her fingers as she shifted the car into drive, wishing things got back to normal quickly. She was counting on Trisha to bring that much needed change but little did she know how instrumental Trisha would be in getting Nikky back to her home.

‘How good it is to be home,’ Rikky thought as she lazily flung her school bag on the sofa and then dumped herself on the seat. Trisha sat on the opposite couch and kept a vigilant gaze on her. Ira hung the car keys on the hook and headed for the kitchen to get some snacks for the two girls until dinner arrived. Few hours went by uneventfully. Later, at around seven, she asked the girls their food preferences, her mobile phone tightly clasped in her hand ready to order.


Piping hot pizzas landed on the doorstep at the guaranteed time. As the room filled with a heavenly aroma, Trisha’s desire for the first bite had risen considerably and she couldn’t wait to shove a slice into her mouth.

‘Yummy,’ Trisha exclaimed.

They sat together watching the television and munched on their chicken pepperoni pizzas with Trisha cracking some jokes from the school between commercials. Rikky tried hard to laugh but failed at every attempt. It didn’t go unnoticed as well.

Trisha wished she could catch Nikky by her collar, shake her like a bottle of an orange juice and bring her back to her senses. Behind her humorous face, Trisha had already formulated a plan and knew exactly where to begin her investigation.

After the pizzas, a rich creamy custard pudding was a delightful surprise that Ira had especially made for the girls. When Rikky delved into the second helping, a sense of satisfaction enveloped Ira. Her daughter was finally relishing her food. Trisha smacked her lips after polishing off the delicious dessert. At nine, they decided to call it a night and went to their rooms.

‘I love your room, Nikky,’ Trisha said looking around when her eyes fell on Lhasa.

‘What’s wrong with her?’ she asked, looking at the doll’s terrible plight, her hair in shambles.

‘She’s alright,’ Rikky said smacking the pillow on her bed and then muttered her teeth, ‘Just one night.’ Trisha got the gist of Rikky’s undertone.

‘Well, Nikky time to play,’ she thought. It was time to put her plan into action. ‘I got to use your bathroom,’ she said pressing her tummy. Rikky nodded casually. Trisha grabbed the chance and made sure to bolt the bathroom door.

‘Now where can it be?’ she mumbled as she tried to recall the secret spot Nikky had once told her about. She looked at every corner of the tub and then found it. She ran her fingers furtively and then descended her hand into the opening. To her surprise it slipped in easily. She felt the edges of what seemed like a book and pulled it out. Trisha’s hands shook as she held Nikky’s diary in her hands. She was only a step closer to the truth.

A soft thud on the door made her heart skip. ‘Are you alright, Trisha?’ Rikky asked. She couldn’t ignore Trisha after all.

‘I am. Must be the spices from the pizza,’ Trisha replied sounding weak. ‘Just a few minutes more.’

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