Chapter 1- The Secret

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12 January 2023

Dear Diary,

I’m really, really sorry for neglecting you for nearly three weeks. I know I ignored you completely all this time but it had been so busy. Christmas holidays, shifting to the new house and then so much to unpack. I didn’t realise I had a bagful of clothes and accessories.

Phew! It’s finally done. I feel settled now. I promise to write to you every night just like before.

You know I’m so glad mamma got a bigger apartment. It means that now we don’t have to share the bedroom and the bathroom anymore. I have my own space, finally!

I must tell you about the bathroom. It is attached to my room! It has beautiful floral tiles, a bathtub and an oval wash basin that is fixed on top of a wooden cabinet. There is not just one mirror – but two! The small mirror is atop the cabinet and a huge full-length carved mirror is mounted on the wall opposite to the wash basin.

It’s so amazing to see myself from top to toe but there is something quirky about the mirror. At times I feel that it is not my reflection! You know like this morning when I saw myself in the mirror, and I’m very sure what I’m telling you, I saw myself wriggling my toes in the mirror when in reality I was standing still.

I lost my nerve then but I really don’t want to freak you out. It must be my super-imagination, like mamma says. And, as I know, Rikky can’t have a mind of her own.

Now you will ask- who is Rikky?
Okay, let me explain. I call my mirror image Rikky. Rikky-Nikky. It rhymes, doesn’t it? And is she not just like me, big black eyes and dark brown hair, and a ponytail as well? Just joking! Of course it is me! I’m being so silly.

I have been looking in the mirror and talking to myself at lengths but mamma always interrupts. She yells at me to get out of the bathroom. I think she is paranoid! She says I should cut down on my imagination as it would help me make friends in school.

Honestly, I already have Trisha as my best pal. In fact, for the first time, she would be coming over for a sleepover next Friday, now that I have my own bedroom. I must introduce her to Rikky. Shouldn’t I?

Look, Trisha is the only person who knows about you and the new secret spot where I hide you. Under the pillow is not a safe place and neither is my cupboard. It has got no lock. Mamma will not be pleased finding you there. Plus, every girl needs to have her secrets. Isn’t it?

Though it is no secret that Trisha knows about you, at least it is better than nobody knowing at all about you. :p

Ok, time to hit the bed. Yippee, just one more day before the weekend.

Goodnight. Kiss, kiss.

Nikki vs RikkyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora