Chapter 6 - The Switch

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There was no alarm for the next two days. It was the weekend, a relief for Nikky and Ira to wake up at their will and not to Elsa’s high-pitched tone.

Nikky opened her bright, dark eyes to the glaring sun peeking through the curtains. She checked her watch. Nine o’clock. ‘Oh, goodness!’ Her heart leaped. For once she would have liked her mother to wake her up early in the morning like on schooldays.

Quickly, she drew the diary out from under her bed and walked to the girls’ room as silently as she could. She didn’t want her mother to knock on the door this time. ‘Morning, mamma,’ Nikky yelled as she stepped in the girls’ room. Ira was in the kitchen. ‘Morning, sweetie. I am making your favourite breakfast. So hurry up and get ready.’

‘Ok, mamma,’ Nikky replied. She loved the cheese omelette, but the event that was due to unfold caused a tickling sensation in her stomach. She hid the diary in its secret spot. She then waved at Rikky with fervour. Her reflection waved back.

‘Do we still have the deal between us because I can’t wait to step into your world?’ Nikky asked excitedly. Rikky asserted with a nod.

‘When do we swap?

‘Whenever you are ready,’ Rikky said with a tinge of a smile.

Nikky pondered for a moment, thinking about her mother, Rikky and herself. Then she took a deep breath and said, ‘Let’s do it after breakfast. You will be just fine here, Rikky. This door opens to my room. And being a weekend, mamma and I usually stay at home or just walk down the street together to pick up some food items.’

‘Don’t get nervous. It’ll be fine,’ Rikky winked.

At the other end of the house, Ira had laid out Nikky’s favourite dish on the table. She looked at the grub admiringly and called her daughter. Nikky was there in no time, forging her exhilaration with a simple smile. She drew the chair and couldn’t wait to gobble down the breakfast. Ira sat next to her and examined her daughter closely. ‘You look excited, Nikky.’

‘I am, mamma, though I would share it with you later,’ Nikky replied taking a bite of the delicious cheese omelette. God, mothers! Nikky thought. How do they know? Nikky shrugged the thought and gulped the morsel down her throat. She ate the meal wholeheartedly and gave a big hug to her mother. Ira smiled at her daughter’s glowing face and waved her goodbye.

Back at the girls’ room, Nikky apologised for being late and told Rikky to stay low-key. ‘Mamma is too good at catching expressions. You will see that for yourself in a few minutes.’

Rikky gave a thumbs-up and came straight to the point. ’Do you see this tiny crack on the mirror?’ She pointed her finger on it. Nikky moved closer to the mirror and peered. There was indeed a tiny crack. She nodded.

‘I am now going to place my index finger on it and you place your index finger exactly at the same place,’ Rikky instructed. ‘In no time we will be able to switch places.’

‘Is this how we switch places again?’ Nikky asked.

Rikky nodded her head up and down and quickly placed her finger on the crack. Nikky’s hands trembled as she slowly moved her index finger towards the mirror. She was getting cold feet.

‘Come on, Nikky!’ Rikky whispered concentrating on Nikky’s finger.

Nikky’s finger moved closer and closer, and then all of a sudden there was silence.

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