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every once in a while, we come across something that changes us for good. it may be a movie, a book, or maybe even just a couple lines we read on social media. but sometimes, these things hold the power to change us, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant the change may be. it may just be a change in the way you think, the way you feel, or the way you perceive some things. but it's a change - either in action or in thought, or both; and every single action, every single thought, creates a ripple in the universe - expanding in a never-ending circle. it's the butterfly effect.

maybe that's why we, as humans, cling to art. art, in any form, can change us; for better or for worse - and how it changes us is only up to us. we create art, and we cling to art, so that we may not feel alone in this world. it's this feeling that connects us all; that makes us feel like we belong. because, the truth is, without it we are all alone, drifting on a strange rock, floating in an endless and infinite universe we know nothing of.

yes, it's true. if you think about it, we are all alone. we know of no other planet that can make us feel otherwise. this universe is so huge, and we know so little. yet, we act like we know everything - which is just so wrong. look at the size of the universe - it's infinite, literally - and look at the size of us; we are nothing to it. the universe does not care about us.

but that's the thing - we humans do, we humans can. we are the only ones capable of it. we all feel happy, we all feel sad, we all feel angry, we all feel lonely, but most of all - we all feel. and it is this connection that joins us all. because we are never truly alone, no matter how much we feel like we are. someone, somewhere, will always understand what it is we're feeling at any given moment. falling in love? you're not the first one. feeling heartbroken? not the only one going through that, either. see, as humans, these are things we all go through - and this is what connects us all. this human connection is always, always there.

remember that the next time you feel alone.

// the human factor 


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