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sometimes when i am all alone

with nothing to occupy me but my thoughts

i find my mind wandering back to you

thinking, wondering,

of what my life would've been like

if you never happened

maybe i would've been with someone else

that knew how to love me

in ways you never could

but you took away the parts of me that knew how to love

it'll take a long time

before it can grow back again

maybe i would've been thinking

about how good life has been to me lately

bringing me gifts of purple skies

and rainbow clouds

but you took away the parts of me that knew how to see colours

i can't think of anything good

without comparing it to how much better

it was with you

maybe i would've been listening to my favourite songs

and dancing by myself in the light of the stars

with only the moon as witness

but you took away the parts of me that knew how to be happy

i can no longer enjoy things i love

they all take me back to you

and how we used to enjoy them together

how can i move on

when your ghost keeps pulling me

back to you?


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