Chapter 18

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In the middle of the night I shuffle into the common room. "I had a nightmare," I explain to those present.

Pete Parker:
Peter is already asleep.

Tony Stark:
Tony is in the workshop.

Bruce Banner:
"Oh dear. Do you want a glass of milk?" asks Bruce.

Bucky Barnes:
"Come on, you have to sleep a little longer. I'll stay with you.", says Bucky and takes you in his strong arms.

Steve Rogers:
"Try to go back to sleep." Steve says and sends you to bed.

Pietro Maximoff:
Peter is sleeping.

Wanda Maximoff:
Wanda is in her room reading a magazine.

Natasha Romanoff:
Natasha takes you in her arms and offers to sleep with you.

Clinton Barton:
Clint is already asleep.

Sam Wilson:
Sam is sleeping.

Thor Odinson:
Thor is in Asgard.

Loki Laufeyson:
Loki lets you sleep with him.

Nick Fury:
Nick isn't there.

Pepper Potts:
Pepper makes you a cocoa.

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