Chapter 9

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"I have to confess something to you. It's about my past... I was Winter Soldier's shadow. That means I did the brutal jobs but they were blamed on the Winter Soldier," I tell them.

Pete Parker:
"Wow. I didn't expect that. So you've known Bucky for a long time?" asks Peter, amazed.

Tony Stark:
"I really didn't expect that. You did the impossible: I'm speechless." Tony murmurs.

Bruce Banner:
"So you're kind of a super soldier too. Would you mind if I drew some blood from you? I'd like to compare it to Bucky's," Bruce says.

Bucky Barnes:
"I'm proud of you. Brave of you to tell them," says Bucky, hugging me.

Steve Rogers:
"How long have you known Bucky?" asks Steve.

Pietro Maximoff:
"You're still great." Pietro says with a smile.

Wanda Maximoff:
"I already know that. I checked your mind. I'm sorry," Wanda mumbles.

Natasha Romanoff:
"Wanda already told me. I don't know how she knows," Nat admits.

Clinton Barton:
"That doesn't change my opinion of you at all. You're still the strong, beautiful woman in the apartment above me." Clint says with a grin and hugs me.

Sam Wilson:
"Oh so you're not that harmless either? You could murder me in my sleep! Do you actually want to go jogging?" Sam babbles.

Thor Odinson:
"So you're a murderess?" Thor asks bluntly.

Loki Laufeyson:
"Well, I think that almost makes you more attractive. I mean, you're also very attractive, but then there's this bad girl mood." Loki explains and grins.

Nick Fury:
"I'll cover up your confession and make sure no files are found on you," says Nick.

Pepper Potts:
"I already know from Natasha. It's fine." Pepper says with a smile.

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