Chapter 8

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I rush into the tower and gasp. "I was just followed by a man up to the tower," I say nervously.

Pete Parker:
"What did he look like? I'm going to take a walk around the block in a moment and see if I can catch him," says Peter.

Tony Stark:
"Hmm. Did you recognize him? Let's have a look at the surveillance footage," Tony suggests.

Bruce Banner:
"Maybe he just happened to take the same path and then moved on." Bruce tries to calm me down.

Bucky Barnes:
"Do you think it was someone from our past?" Bucky asks cautiously. And inadvertently said that we had worked together for Hydra.

Steve Rogers:
"Maybe you just imagined it." Steve wants to defuse the situation.

Pietro Maximoff:
"You can sleep with me tonight if you don't feel safe," Pietro offers.

Wanda Maximoff:
"You think it was a rapist? Or a maniac who wanted to murder you." Wanda unintentionally scares you.

Natasha Romanoff:
"Don't worry. We'll find him. You're safe here. Besides, I'm with you." Nat says with a smile.

Clinton Barton:
"Any idea who that might be? That means there's a night shift tonight." Clint sighs.

Sam Wilson:
"You must have a secret admirer." Sam laughs.

Thor Odinson:
"Loki?! Do you have anything to do with this?" Thor asks immediately.

Loki Laufeyson:
"Come here. First I'll make you something to eat after this shock. And then you calmly tell me what happened. That's how my mother always did it to me when I was worried." Loki says caringly.

Nick Fury:
"I'll call some agents right away to take care of it," says Nick.

Pepper Potts:
"Oh dear, I'll call Happy right away. He'll make sure he doesn't come in here," explains Pepper.

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