Chapter 3

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I enter the dining room. Tired, I prepare my breakfast. "Can someone take me to school?" I mumble sleepily.

Pete Parker:
"I can walk with you if you feel like it. We do that every time Happy isn't here." Peter says motivated.

Tony Stark:
"I've got a meeting coming up. Have fun at school kid." Tony chomps while eating a donut.

Bruce Banner:
"I would, but since I don't own a car and Tony doesn't lend me one, I can't bring you, unfortunately." Bruce explains apologetically.

Bucky Barnes:
"Sure. I'll bring you on the motorbike. There's room for three of us. Get your helmets," says Bucky.

Steve Rogers:
"You can go for a walk. The little walk to school will do you good," says Steve.

Pietro Maximoff:
"I'll take you two anywhere. Come on. We'll take Tony's Audi." Pietro whispers and laughs.

Wanda Maximoff:
"Yes, of course I can drive you. Do you want to go with Peter too? Do you have your snack with you? The school things?" Asks Wanda.

Natasha Romanoff:
"Yeah wait. I'll do a quick workout. It won't take long," Natasha replies.

Clinton Barton:
"What's the magic word? It works, and now the whole sentence.", says Clint and bites into his bread. I repeat the question with please. "No, unfortunately I can't today, I've got a mission then.", Clint refuses. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

Sam Wilson:
"Take the bus." Sam says and continues eating.

Thor Odinson:
"In Asgard, students ride to school." Thor begins to talk. However, he can't bring me because he can't drive a car.

Loki Laufeyson:
"Since I don't know how to drive a car, you can forget about it. I could teleport you there though," Loki suggests.

Nick Fury:
"I run a whole organization y/n. I can't drive teenagers around town. An agent will pick you two up," Nick says.

Pepper Potts:
"Unfortunately, I have a conference soon," says Pepper, continuing to leaf through her documents.

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