Meeting the parents round 2(part 1)

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Payu and Rain quickly made their way back to the main floor of the Minor Family's house. Both of their eyes reviled how uneasy they were. Pete noticed them first. His face instantly morphing in to worry from the look on their faces. "Venice? What is it hun?" Payu faced his Pa with very worried eyes. "Rain's parents are still coming here.... But they have agreed to talk before they go ahead and truly start a war between the families." Pete took a deep breath and patted his son's shoulder. He nodded and went off to find his husband.

Payu gathered Rain in his arms, trying his best to comfort him. "It's going to be okay Rain. My Pa is great at defusing problems quickly." Rain lifted his head off Payu's chest and looked at him. "It's not your parents I'm worried about P'Payu.... Even though my dad agreed to talk, he's generally the more hot headed out of my parents... When he gets calm like this it could be only seconds to hours before he blows up and it's never good.. Especially if he believes he's protecting me. I'm worried he will do something stupid before my father can stop him."

He laid his head back on Payu's chest and hugged him tighter. Payu tightened his own hold on Rain as he fought the panic that was rising from his chest. He would do anything to keep Rain safe and with him. He prayed the talking would completely defuse the situation rather than having it on a increasingly more precarious and flimsy truce. Rain started to sob in fear of just how bad things could go if the talk doesn't work. He couldn't stand the thought of loosing Payu, despite how much he loved his parents.

Pete and Vegas entered the room. Vegas put his hand on Rain's shoulder. Rain looked up with tears on his face and still crying a bit. "It's going to be okay Rain. All of us are just doing what we can to protect our children. I'm counting on that fact and that we are all in the same world and that your parents will see you and Venice being together isn't a bad thing at all." Rain's tears finally stopped and he gave Vegas a small smile. "Thank you sir. You know what? You aren't what I thought you were when we first met."

Vegas laughed. "I am actually just as bad as you thought I am. I am just different for those I love and care about. Venice clearly loves you, so that means I will protect you as well." Vegas's smile made his face even more attractive. Rain was glad to have him on their side. Hopefully P'Payu's parents can get my own to accept this. I love P'Payu so much!

Payu looked at Rain and used his fingers to turn Rain's gaze to his own. "See? I told you. My parents will help us because I love you. I know you love me just as much. It will be okay. Phi Sanya." Then Payu kissed Rain's head. Rain snuggled deeper into Payu's chest, seeking more comfort, which Payu was happy to give. He tightened his arms around his love, doing his best to reassure Rain that he wasn't going anywhere.

A knock sounded at the door. Vegas and Pete shared a look, then Pete went to open the door. In the doorway stood 2 men that had imposing auras and clearly quite weary of being near the minor family.

 In the doorway stood 2 men that had imposing auras and clearly quite weary of being near the minor family

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