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(Selena P.O.V)

"Hey Selena, how did your date go?" Papa asks me as I walk back into our house.

"Good, he took me to the same place you and Daddy had your first date." I smile and use a sing-song voice. Teasing him as I bounce on heals and toes. Looking back and forth between Papa and daddy.

He rolls his eyes at me and ask "what did you eat?"

"Nachos." The three of us replied In unison.

Giggling we all sit down on the couch and I tell them about my date. I told them how he was a gentleman to their little girl. How he held my hand, kissed the back of my palm, how I would be his one and only if we decided to make our relationship official.

The hours passed and I picked up take out dinner for the three of us and Papa's side-kick Nimona.

The four of us share a meal like we do every night. But, this night is a little different because it's my 16th birthday!

This is a tradition we always did for my birthday. Take out dinner, presents, cake, and my favorite part. The story of how my dads met and fell in love.

I just love seeing the looks in their eyes as they talk about the good ol' days. I know their love for each other is true.

Knowing the story by heart at this point when they bring out the cake with 16 candles I close my eyes and make a wish.

Knowing the story by heart at this point when they bring out the cake with 16 candles I close my eyes and make a wish

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Deep in my heart, I wished I could be there for them and tell them everything will be ok.

I blow out the 16 candles around the cake and we began to eat it. Moving on with the tradition Papa starts telling the story of how he would sneak into the institution to watch the people train.

There were parts that made me laugh and cry. I'm not a hopeless romantic but I love hearing about the things they did for each other.

The story finishes with Papa and Daddy making up after the wall comes down and the realm is saved.

Clapping my hands at the end we clean up the mess and get ready for bed.

I am about to start on the dishes when the home phone rings. I answer and it's one of my best friends.

"Hey girl! How was your birthday?!"

"Good, same as always."

"Good, now listen." The sound of her voice yells me she can't contain her excitement. This is the same sound she makes when she wants something.

"Let me guess. Training camp?"

"How did you know!?"

"Because I know you, do you wanna bring everyone too?"

"Yes. This is our last chance to sharpen our skill till the tournament next month."

"Alright. Tell everyone that wants to come it will last two weeks."

We exchanged our goodbyes and end the phone call. I give my dads a look they know all to well.

"How long?"

"Two weeks."

"Ok, be careful. And keep in contact as much as you can."

"Yes sir!"

After we finish cleaning Papa and Daddy are cuddling on the couch as I pack my bags.

Two weeks' worth of clothes that I mostly train in and other essentials.

After thanking the Dads I make my way to my friends, who are in the middle class. They are not Nobles but, they aren't commoners either.

Sandy's father is an inventor. Making all kinds of crazy gadgets.

As I walk into the view of her house I can see her father working on a flying car.

"Hey, Mr. Cook."

"Hey! Kiddo. Happy Birthday! I hear you talking to everyone on a hunting trip."

"Thank you! And yup that's the plan."

"Well, you don't get into too much trouble, ok?"

"We won't."

As we wait for the others to come over Mr. Cook and sandy show me the newest invention.

"It's the future machine 9000!" He exclaimed in the same voice his daughter used earlier.

"Remember the calculations you helped with last time you were here?" 

I nodded my head. Looking at this grown man talk like a little kid on a sugar rush.

"It was for this machine. To take you to the future."

"A time travel device?"

"Yes. To the future."

He opens the door to the flying car and shows me some of the features. Sandy's little brother comes walking in looking for the two.

"Mommy wants you guys!" He says in a sing song voice. Like he wants his father and sister to be in trouble.

I am left alone in the time travel device waiting for Mr. Cook to get back when the little boy starts messing with the main controls.

He is pushing random buttons like he is banging on a drum. The device starts to shake and I'm freaking out.

"What time would you like to jump to?" The voice ask. I tried hitting the stop and telling the kid not to do anything.

"It's fine. His stuff never works!" He yells continuously smashing the buttons.

The machine starts to charge up and eventually shoots me into the sky. I scream at the top of my lungs as the kid laugh at me and my friends family walks out into the garage to see me in the air.

The car does twist and turns going everywhere and I can't stop.


A bright light flashes and I'm going down. The motor blows and I crash into the floor.

For a few seconds I can hear voices.

"Oh no! What happened?!"

"Who is that?!"

"Is someone snicking in again?!"

"Go get help?!"

The last voice is detected at me after they get the door opened.

"Are you ok?" Before I can answer I pass out.

Nimona Fanfic: The daughter from the future!? (daughter OC)Where stories live. Discover now