"Midoriya? Are you okay?" Todoroki's voice carries genuine worry, snapping me back to reality. How long was I lost in thought. Everyone is staring at me.

I blink rapidly, trying to shake off the intrusive thoughts that threaten to engulf me. The concern in Todoroki's eyes is unmistakable, mirrored by the expressions of Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida, who have all seemed to notice my sudden withdrawal into myself.

"Deku, what's going on? You seemed lost there for a moment," Uraraka speaks softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. It's as if they could sense the turmoil inside me, even if they couldn't fully grasp its depth.

I swallow hard, feeling a lump forming in my throat. The weight of my thoughts presses heavily on my shoulders, but I can't burden them with the darkness that consumes me. They don't deserve that.

"I... I'm sorry," I stammer, forcing a weak smile. "Just got lost in my own thoughts, you know? But I'm okay, really."

Tsu steps forward, her calming gaze resting lightly on me as she crouches down to my level to meet my eyes, "Midoriya, it's okay to not be okay. *kero* We're always here for you, you don't have to do it all alone."

Iida's frustration has been replaced by an odd mix of concern and understanding. "Midoriya, if something's bothering you, please remember that we're your friends. We want to help, even if we don't know what's going on."

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "Thank you for being here, for caring. I... I don't know what I would do without you."

Uraraka's warm smile widens, and her eyes shimmer with sincerity. "You don't have to thank us, Deku. We're here because we genuinely care about you."

I should feel relieved. I've been waiting to hear those words my entire life, that someone genuinely cares, that it's not just pity. I want to believe them. I want to believe that I could be worthy of love, that I could deserve their kindness. I long to just let myself believe her, but as her words wash over me, a heavy weight settles in the pit of my stomach. Doubt gnaws at my insides, and I force myself back down to the real world. No one could truly care for someone as broken and flawed as me. How could they? I'm just a burden, a constant source of worry and disappointment. People throw around words like "care" and "worry" so loosely. They don't know what promises they're making. If only they knew how much those words could mean to a person... if only I knew how to believe in them.
I used to live everyday praying to whatever deity may listen that someday I would hear those words.

A feeble smile tugs at my lips as I nod. "I know, Uraraka. I'm grateful to have friends like you. It means a lot."


I'm not lying though. I am grateful for them.

Lies! If you were grateful you wouldn't be this messed up! If you really cared they would be enough to fix you!

But I do care!

No you dont. You're just a heartless monster that doesn't deserve them.
You're dangerous
All you're going to do is hurt them
Leave them out if this
Suffer in silence until they forget you
Then no one will bat an eye when you leave
Not that anyone would care anyway
It's all lies, remember...

Shut up! They're my friends! They would notice if I was gone! Look! They're here aren't they! Isn't that proof enough!

Doesnt that just make you a worse person?

Ugh! Why can't you ever make sense!

Because one way or another we both know im right...


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