Chapter 15: Break Out

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It all connects now, Constance always talked about her son, how she was so horrified about what her son has done,so she adopted Aiden,NO,more like kidnapped him.

"We need to go NOW!"I tell Tate.
He is still in the same postition, except crying his eyes out. I go to his level.
"I will help you get your son back."
I try to comfort him,instead he hugs me. Unfortunately he out his head on my shoulder that is injured go I jump when his head touches it.
"I'm sorry Alice, my son, Michael, his mother."
"Shhh, everything's going to be fine."
I hug him and I kiss him on his forehead.
"Come on, let's get your son."

-----Constance's house-----
"Tate wait at your house." I say.
He said okay and did what I told him.
"Constance, what is the problem."
I see Maggie and Constance sitting in the living room looking up at me.
"We have to tell you about Tate." Maggie says.
"What about him." I cross my arms.
"He is dangerous, he has done horrible things." Constance says, of course she would say that.
"What's Aiden's real name."
"Don't change the subject Alice."
"What is his Name!" I yell at Constance.
"It is Aiden, don't yell at me after all I did for you, giving you a place to stay and you give me disrespect."
"I know what you have done, Aiden is Tate's son and you took him away from him."
She is left without words.
I run upstairs
"Aiden, come here Aiden."
I here little giggling, must be him.
I go to his room and I see him, sitting on a rocking chair.
"Hey Aiden,let's go see your daddy."
He smiles, I smile back,I pick him up and get out of his room.
"You are not going anywhere with my son."Constance says pointing, a gun at my body.
"You took him away from his real father, what kind of person are you, Tate was your own son."
She starts tearing up.
She clicks the gun, I guess I am done living then.
"No!!" Maggie comes from the stairs.
Constance turn the gun at Maggie, Maggie puts her hands in the air.
"Get away from them!!" Tate says, I guess he got in from the window in which Aiden was in.
"Shoot me , but don't hurt Alice, or Maggie and not my son." He says and he gets in front of me. She turns the gun to him and pulls the trigger.
She shoots Tate.
Everything goes in slow motion. Tate falling on the floor. I then see Maggie hit Constance in the head with a Flower Vase.
"Alice, we have to get out of here!"Maggie yells at me,
"Tate." Is all I can say.
Aiden touches Tate, he smiles. Aiden found his dad.
Tate begins to move.
"Tate?" I say.
Maggie scoots closer to where Tate is.
"I'm okay." He says and he gets up.
Like it was nothing.
"Michael." Tate hugs Aiden, I guess Michael is Aiden's real name.
Tate hugs me.
"Thank you so much."
" I keep my promises, so come you didn't get shot."
"I think she fired a b-b gun cause all I felt was little ball not a bullet."
" I hit Constance for nothing them." Maggie laughs and that makes me and Tate laugh.
Michael and Tate are hugging each other, it is adorable they finally have a family.
I get out my phone and I dial my phone to the American police number.
"What's your emergency?"
"We have found a woman that had a young boy kidnapped."
"Help will be coming right away."
I hang up the phone.
"Tate, help is coming."
He smiles showing his amazing dimples, Michael has then as well.
Like father, like son.

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