Fatima's Big Heart

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I had just finished getting dressed when I heard someone banging on the door like the police.

Who the hell banging on my door like that. I grabbed my gun and walked downstairs they were still banging. I looked out the peep hole and it was the neighbor.

Dammit Zac said don't get involved what the hell she want. I waited a few to see if she would go away but she kept knocking. She was crying and I could hear her say please please open up. She kept looking back like someone was coming.

I finally opened the door.

Fatima: What's going on?

Gabbie: Please help me before he comes back home he'll be here any minute

Fatima: What do you mean?

Gabbie: I can't go back to him he's going to kill me and I don't want to lose my baby again. Holding her stomach.

You could tell he hit her in face, she tried to conceal her bruises with a lot of makeup

Fatima: Hurry up come in. What happened.

Gabbie: He gets really jealous about the smallest things and I can never do anything right in his eyes. I tried to leave while he was sleeping last night but he changed the alarm code and it went off when I tried to leave.

Fatima: Have you tried to call the police and do you have any family or friends that can help?

Gabbie: He has police on his payroll so if I ever go to the police he will be notified immediately. I have some family but he made me distance myself from them that they don't even know I still exist. I just need to stay here until he comes checks the house then leaves.

Fatima: I got someone that could help you if you really want to leave him. 

She looked a little hesitant 

Fatima: I can make the call but you have to be 100% sure you are ready to give it all away.

Gabbie: I don't really want to move I have money saved and I run my own business so I can pay the bills no problem I just don't want to be with him anymore. And he's not going to let me get out alive. I am tired of running.

Maybe I can get a restraining order against him. 

Fatima: Restraining orders mean nothing in domestic violence situations. And I would hate to add more fuel to the fire once he is served. Does he do everything by the book or do you have some dirt on him. Maybe we can pin him for something and he can get some jail time, that way you won't have to run.

Gabbie: Yes , I do have something he doesn't know that I know but I overheard him talking to his buddy about the night his ex wife died.

Fatima: Okay we can work with that.

Gabbie: He has a lock box in his office with all his illegal dealing and weapons in there. I seen it before when I was looking for something.

Fatima: Okay give me just a second I'll be right back okay

I went upstairs to call Zac to let him know what was going on 

Fatima: Hey babe don't be mad but the neighbor Gabbie is downstairs and she needs help

Zac: Help how Fatima, I know you went over there

Fatima: No I didn't I promise she just came banging on the door asking for help. She said she has to get away before he kills her.

Zac: Okay why did she come to you she needs to go to the police.

Fatima: He has the police on payroll babe.

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