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"Upstairs. Now. Everyone." Caleb said and started forward.

"I'm not coming with you. You don't expect me to be alone inside with the two of you at this hour. Oh, now three." I mumbled the last part as I spotted Shayne a few feet away.

I couldn't decipher his emotion but it was clear he was shocked at the revelation. Many thoughts must have been running through his mind as he hadn't even uttered a word.

"If you do care for yourself and your friend, you'll come with immediately." Caleb threatened.

"She can't bro. Have you forgotten about your father?" Carlos spat. Caleb pursed his lips, taking in a deep breath.

"The Count?" He suggested. I was surprised because Caleb was always commanding.

"No. Samantha's house." Carlos said.

"What?" I shrieked. "Don't even think about that!" Carlos gave me a weird look.

"Any other option that is safe to discuss this because Caleb is not going to drop this?"

"You can't decide for everyone!" I sneered at Caleb.


"No, Carlos! You of all people know I stand for myself. I've let them do what they willed in the past. But not anymore!" I said, standing my ground. I was very sure I spotted an impressed look on Carlos' face. Then Shayne spoke. Slow and steady but pain was evident in his voice.

"Can we go to a restaurant or something?" My eyes widened. Suddenly I felt bad for being selfish.

"No, no, you guys can come to my place. I'm sorry for being insensitive to the importance of the issue on ground." I said.

"It's alright, Sam. It's likely going to be uncomfortable for you so we won't." Shayne said and he gave me a look that showed he understood me. "I just need some air right now." My heart tugged. I reached out to give his hand a slight squeeze. He returned the squeeze before letting go and heading inside the house.

"We'll let you know what we decide on," Carlos said. He had no expression on his face as he also walked away but even I knew he felt uncomfortable.

"This is a mess," I mumbled to myself.

"You should have stayed away in the first place as we warned," Caleb said saucily. I glared at him.

"Oh please! Maybe you should take your advice and stay away from me." I spat, starting to walk away.

"Everything was going on smoothly before you came into our lives. Now, those two can barely talk about you because of its awkwardness." He accused. I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face him.

"Caleb, none of those are my fault. But I can categorically tell you that the bullying of Cecilia and all that followed after was your fault. You and the boys."

"You're impossible. What do you know?"

"Maybe not much but I wonder if hurting Cecilia ever took away the pain you felt. That's the lie of revenge. The hurt doesn't go away. Only true forgiveness does heal the pain."

"And what is that true forgiveness, huh?" He said, glaring hard at me.

"The one Jesus gave to us, Caleb. He died while we were still sinners, and took the punishment on Himself while we hated Him. He offered us even though we didn't deserve it. It's left for us to receive it."

"What're you even saying?" He chuckled incredulously.

"That you should have a deep thought about all that has happened since Candice's death and be true to yourself," I said, walking away from him.

The Bullies' Slave 2Where stories live. Discover now