Chapter 10- I DON'T HATE YOU.

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I stood warily in front of the Brown's mansion, wondering if it was still a good idea to tutor Caleb. I could as well discuss with Grace on the peculiarity of the situation.

What peculiarity? I thought, catching myself in my overthinking session. Taking a deep breath, I took a cautious but courageous step towards the main door. The door yanked open before I got to it, revealing Samuel Isaiah Elba.

"Hi Sam!" He said with wide eyes.

"Hi Sam!" I responded with a grin. He grinned almost immediately.

"You rushed home the other day in fury." He blurted. "I hope you're okay now." I nodded, offering a small smile.

"I'm okay, Sam. It'll be alright." He nodded and rushed to hug me. I returned his hug, adding a little pat on his back.

"For what it's worth, Caleb is not as bad as he shows you." He said as he pulled away, a little bit of desperation in his eyes. It was like he really wanted me to have a change of heart concerning his brother. Suddenly, I felt the urge to say something to him to calm him down.

"I don't hate your brother, Samuel even though he's a tough nut." His eyes brightened and he immediately reached out to give me another hug. I smiled as I returned it.

It was the truth. I didn't hate Caleb despite everything. Although I would be honest, there were times when I did hate him but I must confess, after what Natalie said the other day, I began to see him differently. I had had a glimpse of Caleb's niceness sometimes in the past but he was more mean than nice so it was natural to conclude he was mean. However, those few times did do a little thing to my thought and view about him.

"Bye, Sam." Sam said as soon as he let me go, jogging away.

"Bye." I mumbled before pushing the door open.

The house was unusually more silent. I immediately unlocked my phone to dial Caleb's number. He did not pick up but just as I was about to get worried, I heard his deep voice call my surname from above the stairs.

"What do you want?" He asked. He looked freshly showered so I assumed he had left school earlier than usual.

"Are you serious?" I glared.

"I'm not in the mood, Pears. You can close the door on your way out." He said coldly.

"Well, I'd gladly do that if we both go over to Grace tomorrow and ask for a new tutor slash student!" I snapped.

"Stop yelling. You'd attract unnecessary attention." He said, rolling his eyes.

"The second is ticking, Brown. Get down here and let's get to work. I don't have any time to waste here!" I huffed, spun on my heels and marched to the living room. Somehow I knew he was going to follow me, or at least I had hoped strongly that he would.

"I regret signing up for this." Caleb muttered as he took his seat beside me.

"That's not my problem." I said. "Now, we talked about World War two the last time and-" I didn't finish my statement because someone interrupted. It was Carlos.

"I'm sorry." He said to no one in particular. "Caleb, you got a second?" I couldn't help but notice that Carlos barely spared me a glance. Was he avoiding me? Or worse, was he ignoring me? I shook my head to clear the thought of the latter. Carlos wouldn't do that, would he?

After some minutes, Caleb returned with a slight frown on his face.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"We would have to hurry up with this. My parents are going to be home earlier today. We're having a family dinner." It was clear he was dreading the family dinner.

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