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Hi guys!!! Enjoyyyyy❤️❤️❤️


"He said that?" Crystal exclaimed, fuming just as we walked into the cafeteria. "Where's Caleb?" She squinted, searching through the crowd. I held her hand to get her attention.

"Crystal, it's okay. I don't want it to get worse than it is." Crystal huffed, pulling her hand from mine.

"Sam, someone's got to put him in his place. He can't go around harassing everyone." She said before she got distracted. It was Andrew. He had given her a wink and my friend had gone shades redder.

"O my goodness." I frowned. "I can't believe I'd eventually see the day Crystal's guard goes down over a guy." Lucas chuckled beside me. He had been quiet the whole time but I knew he was upset with what I had told them about my argument with Caleb the previous day.

"Oh please!" Crystal said, getting herself together.

"Glad you're happy." I mumbled.

"I am, Sam. I am." She said, clearly happy. "But I'll be happier when I finally give Caleb a piece of my mind! Where is that boy?" She mumbled the last part, squinting at the bullies' table as we walked to the counter.

"Do the rest of them know about you two?" I asked, changing the topic, as we ordered our food.

"I guess." She shrugged. "It's not like it's their business anyway." I shrugged too.

"I don't know. Just saying."

"You're worried about Alex, right?" She asked, reading a part of my thought.

"I'm wary of them all. But you don't seem to be worried." I said. Crystal smiled, shaking her head.

"Stop trying to change the topic, Sam. It's not working." She said, throwing a playful glare.

"Everyone knows Drew is over Alex. And they can't do anything to Crystal. If it were another girl, yeah, but not Crystal." Lucas said confidently as he collected his food.

"Yeah." I said. Well, Crystal was definitely no match for them and she was finally free from Caleb's hold. Also, deep down I knew Andrew would fight for her if they so much as beheld her in contempt. He was the only one who seemed to be relatively free from the bullies' control. Caleb could barely control him. He simply made use of his loyalty which Drew very much had towards his friends.
I really do hope she made the right decision. I hope they both know what they are doing and not just excited about their attraction to one another.

Relationship means commitment and the foundation is God's love. It is what holds the fort when the going gets tough and when even attraction seems to wane. Your conviction that your partner is who God wants you to be with is a safe place, knowing fully well that even in trials, God has your back and you'll definitely overcome.

I learnt this from my parents and Theresa too. And this was why despite what Caleb said, I never regretted that my parents got married against the arranged marriage and had me and my siblings as children. It did cause chaos but I'm glad they didn't take marriage as something casual and just some sort of contract.

This is why even though I doubted my Dad would succumb to such a silly idea of an arranged marriage, I was ready to fight every crooked way Charles Brown might want to take to get his son in my space.

I sighed, knowing that I had unknowingly walked into the lion's den by being Caleb's tutor. But I hope like in Daniel's case, God will help me shut the mouth of those lions!

I can never get married to Caleb! Never!

"What's on your mind?" Lucas asked as we took our seats.

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