Chapter 3- IT'S NOT EASY, SAM.

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"Three more laps, guys, come on!" Mr Grant yelled. I didn't even groan. On the contrary, I was surprised. Typical Mr Grant would have called out some outrageous number of laps. Perhaps he had decided to be merciful?


I realized I had considered too soon when Mr Grant yelled out the next exercise for the day. Push-ups!

"I knew I had to be wary." I said to no one in particular.

"Yeah." Shayne said, chuckling beside me. I felt a sense of deja vu wash over me.

I recalled the first time I met Shayne. He was that very handsome guy with a charming dimpled smile. Not only that, he has a pleasant personality and is very intelligent. I know I am still attracted to him but knowing I'd be seeing him everyday for long hours in this boot camp as opposed to the few hours daily in school because of our different specialties, actually troubled me.

Not only for the fact that I liked Shayne but for the fact that I didn't think he liked me the same way. If I were being very honest with myself, it is pretty obvious who Shayne seems to like. I traced his eyes to see them fixed on Cecilia. Sighing a little, I bent at Mr Grant's yell for us to begin.


"What's on your mind?" A voice interrupted my thought. I had taken the fifteen minutes break Mr Grant decided to give us very seriously so I had sat away from everyone, staring at nothing in particular. I turned my head to see Ethan Woods grinning at me. For some reason, I was glad to see the jovial Ethan. He seems to have decided against Caleb's command to stay away, today. However, learning from my experience with dear Mr Grant, I decided not to raise my hopes.

"Nothing." I said, simply.

"Oh yeah?" He said, paused for a while and took his seat beside me. "You really don't want to talk?"

"What do you think?" I sneered. Ethan pursed his lips and frowned a little.

"Right. I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him incredulously.

"You're sorry? For what exactly, Ethan?"

"Gee, relax." He said, rubbing his temple a bit. "You're scaring me." I snort. Like he would be scared.

"Look, Sam. I know I stayed away from you deliberately for a while but I had to-"

"So why are you here now? Because based on your words, I should be wary right now." I interrupted with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, Sam. That's all I can say, for now." Ethan said, obviously struggling to keep up the conversation. I shrugged.

"That's your business, Ethan. You can decide to do whatever you want to do. But what I do want to know is why you're deciding to talk to me now." He shrugged.

"Well, Caleb doesn't seem to be against it now?"

I laughed. I laughed so hard until tears began to form in my eyes. I didn't even care if people were watching us and I especially didn't care that Ethan was uncomfortable and tried to calm me down by calling my name severally.

"Wow, wow, wow. Caleb doesn't seem to be against it now." I mimicked. I shook my head in disappointment. Ethan sucked in a sharp breath clearly offended.

"Ethan, what have you done that Caleb has so much power over you?" He stilled at that and I didn't ignore it. "O my goodness, Ethan!"

"That's none of your business, Samantha." He snapped, standing up.

"It isn't, Ethan! But I assure you, it will be Cecilia's." His eyes went wide a bit and reluctantly he sat down.

"Well, I'm a mess and Caleb knows it all." Ethan confessed.

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